Is it normal to be afraid of spiders?
one day i was in the laundry room and i saw a daddy long spider and i asked my brother to kill it and he sprayed it and it fell and i ran out there . what should i do?
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one day i was in the laundry room and i saw a daddy long spider and i asked my brother to kill it and he sprayed it and it fell and i ran out there . what should i do?
I am a little afraid of spiders but do not kill them because they eat bugs.
I don't like spiders much but I don't kill them except accidentally; I have a special wide necked jar and a piece of cardboard I slide under it and then put them outside.
I do have a fear of them dropping on me when I'm asleep
i use to be like that to..... until i faced my fears and held a daddy long legs, know i've had a couple pet tarantulas:)
I hate bugs, lost count of how many I've killed, they are annoying too because I always have to get the vacuum out because I don't want to get any blood on the wall.
stupid bitch its a bug i hope it grow a dick and tortures you fucking slut