Is it normal to be afraid of spiders and bugs?

i hate spiders and even when i see a book of spiders and bugs i scream is this normal positive advice only please thanks.!

i hate spiders and bugs no way around it 23
no i think that they are cool i actually have a spider as a pet 3
no 7
yes 15
i am just here to surf the web i like giving advice. 4
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Mosquetoes are the worst. I like spiders though, they eat the mosquetoes.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Yes, it's very normal.

    I suggest that you don't go to warm countries, because for some reason the spiders in those countries are GIGANTIC!!!!

    I'm terrified of spiders, but not so much with bugs. I am scared of the Daddy Longlegs, even those are insects.

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  • Potatoe bugs are the worst they're like a combination of roaches and flying things

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    • Potatoe bugs don't fly. And some roaches do.

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    • suckonthis9

      I'm confused. There are two completely different Insect groups that I could find, commonly called 'Potato Bugs' (neither are 'true bugs'), neither can fly.
      There is also a Potato Beetle that can fly, but it doesn't sound like what you're describing.
      Please use Scientific Classification (Genus and specific epithet) so everyone knows what you're talking about!

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      • I'm pretty sure you're the only one that cares.. but thanks

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        • suckonthis9

          Many other people care. If the insect you are describing is an important plant pest, very much money can be made if you can think of a way to control them. You must be certain which insect it is and let me know, I will help you.

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