Is it normal to be afraid of stars?

This isn't a troll, I'm deathly afraid of stars. I'm not sure why but the thought of stars scare me out of my wits. Stars are just big masses of fire and hot air ready to hurdle towards me, its taking over my life so bad that I cant open the door for my own son when its dark out. (I ended up making my husband open it for him) I cant even leave the curtains open anymore. Please help. Is this normal?

Voting Results
18% Normal
Based on 128 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • Well...they are big balls of nuclear fusion. The biggest known is VY Canis Majoris, a hypergiant star that, if placed at the center of our solar system, by some estimates, the outer radius would reach Saturn.

    ...but it's 4800 light years away. So...traveling at the speed of light, it'd be near 5000 years before it reached us, and it's not even heading our direction.

    The second closest to us is Sirius (actually two stars. A binary star)...which is four light years away. Basically...what we see when we look at it...happened four years ago. A light year is about 6 trillion miles.

    Our planet orbits around the closest star to us, Sol, the sun. It's the source of cheer, light, hope, here. It's only 93 million miles away. Stars aren't scary...they're awesome.

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    • WhatIf...

      *clap* *clap*

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    • Couman

      > Our planet orbits around the closest star to us, Sol, the sun. It's the source of cheer, light, hope, here. It's only 93 million miles away.

      It also kills thousands of people every year.

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      • Who...would...never have been born otherwise.

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  • thegypsysailor

    You have created a phobia that is terribly irrational and it is obviously screwing up your life. Hell woman, you went through childbirth; you can handle ANYTHING!
    Fight this, don't give in to it. The stars are here to stay, and not one of them, except Sol, is close enough to you to do you any harm, in your lifetime.
    If it eases your mind a tiny bit, I did see one die on the sail from Bermuda to St. Thomas, so they are indeed mortal, just like us.

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  • felixbelacan2

    U need to know now that The Sun is a star too...

    Do not open the door in the morning...

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    • CottonChronicle

      Thanks. Now I cant go to work :(

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  • That's a shame, I find them to be really pretty. I like looking at them when I can.

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  • Holzman_67

    A million stars out tonight could spark neon from candlelight

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  • SHAKEStheClown

    Sure, it's normal. I'm afraid of Tom Cruise and his stupid weirdo cult!

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  • GeeGees

    Your husband could hold your hand as you look at them together.

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  • WishIWasHere

    You have to think that what you are made out of was produced in the core of a star. The carbon in your DNA the Iron in your blood was all form in the core of a star...

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  • GreatArt

    You're afraid of what you don't understand.

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  • GirlOfSilence

    You have Stellaphpbia.

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  • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

    If it makes you any more comfortable to think about, you could always pretend the stars are fixed to a giant crystal sphere like people used to believe.

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  • delling

    Don't watch the movie Melancholia.

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  • ThatCreepyWhiteGuy

    You shouldn't be afraid of the stars. You should be afraid of the sea, for that is where Cthulu lurks.

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  • Royalburden

    Could it be you're afraid to look at the night sky in general? I used to have that fear...well not necessarily fear, more like uneasiness. I'd look up at night and feel sick like I might suddenly fall up and into the void.

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  • megadriver

    Well, here is something even scarier... In the middle of our galaxy, there is a super-massive black hole.

    Here is the wiki-article:
    <a href="*" rel="nofollow">*</a>

    Pretty fascinating stuff.

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  • megadriver

    Without stars, you wouldn't be here writing this...
    Stars are the source of light, heat and in essense - life itself!
    Plus they make a nice romantic scene to take my girlfriend out for some star gazing.

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  • DragonQueen

    I believe the stars, are really our eternal souls, that's why there's so many of them. I say that because, after my father died. I noticed one particularly bright star, Surrounded with two equally bright stars on both of the upper sides surrounding it. And I just couldn't for some reason take my eyes off of these three stars. I belive this was my father and his parents. Letting me know they were at peace, together in the sky. I know this sounds ridiculous but I am agoraphobic. And cannot stand to look skyward. But I felt as if some unknown force was making me look. To give me some peace.

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  • Ilovewinter12

    Space is kinda scary. Especially black holes.

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    • holes.....

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