Is it normal to be afraid of strangers

Ever since I can remember adults have always been telling me to: "Don't talk to strangers!" Every day. Somebody somewhere told me to watch out for strangers. They still do. All the stories have really messed with my brain and now whenever I have to talk to somebody I don't know I freak out. People my age and younger are okay... easier to talk to that older people but still hard. I find it hard to order lunch from a cafe or anywhere. Anybody behind a counter freaks me out too. I think this is unreasonable but I want to know Is it normal? Does anyone else have this? I also am afraid of answering the phone, for fear that it's someone I don't know. Because the idea of talking to someone I don't know and can't see... again freaks me out. The phone is a more extreme case than the face to face talking. Before you ask, yes I do have friends, many. It's just that i find it hard to talk to anybody new. I think it is derived from the fact that every adult tells me to "Watch out for strangers." Also with the phone thing my fear is heightened possibly because I used to watch a load of scary movies and almost all of them ended with someone being killed after answering the phone to find the killer on the other end. Please, is this normal?

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 31 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • NoraBaker

    Yes, never take candy from them and don't suck their dicks.

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    • Aleks85

      Good advice. We think alike.

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  • help_and_advice

    yes its normal. u can never trust anybody no a days... u can never be to safe

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  • TerryVie

    it's overly much, maybe, but normal.
    It's people closer to you that you need to watch out for by any and all statistics, though...
    Wether that be murder, rape or other crimes except armed robbery...usually it's someone from a close circle around the victim.
    Not saying that to scare you further, rather, suggesting you do some research in that direction...if you find how unlikely it is a stranger will do something to you, and just make sure you are no easy victim(at the simplest, have some pepper spray with you that you can grip when feeling afraid), you may eventually begin to overcome this extreme fear?
    DID something happen to you at some time that could have reinforced this fear?

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