Is it normal to be afraid of taking a shower and swimming?

I do not like taking showers. I have had panic attacks in the shower. I almost died one day in an amusement park while playing in the wave pool. I choked on water and almost stopped breathing. I was terrified, and I think that that might be why I am so fearful of water. I swim now, but do not put my head underwater a lot. I always feel like someone is watching me in the shower, and I hate to say it ( or write it, anyway), but I usually take a shower every other day, sometimes even every two days. I know I am weird. Is it normal to have these fears?

Dude, you are a freak. That is NOT normal. 11
Both are normal 15
Being afraid of taking a shower?! Freak. But pool is normal 13
I have no idea I just came because of your "awesome" username. Lol 4
Fear of swimming?! Wow. But it is normal to be afraid of showers 4
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Comments ( 23 )
  • RougeTheBat

    Im assuming baths are out of the question too?

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    • Iamagirl

      i actually don't have a bathtub. I actually strangely like baths better than showers. I've had no bad expreiences in a bathtub (yet).

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  • Magenta_W

    None of those options are really correct, you're not a freak! There are lots of people who hate swimming pools, especially those who had traumatic experiences with them when they were younger. Showering every 2 days is fine, but being afraid of the shower is a bit odd.

    I used to feel like someone was watching me, so I just started listening to music while I showered. It's enough to distract me, perhaps you could try it?

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    • Iamagirl

      Well I turn the fan on to block out the silence but my house is just very uncomterable. I have lived here for many years, and I thought I saw a figure in the shower. And many other things happened but I'm in my house right now in the dark during a storm at night. So..... Ill try music though. Thanks! :)

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  • Sometimes,I wish the shower in my fuckin apartment worked,

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  • RoseIsabella

    These fears are very sad to me.

    I was at the beach in Florida once and for whatever reason I got in the water and started swimming as fast as I could. Or I thought I was swimming really fast. So I turned around and since I could barely see the shore I started swimming back. But, no matter how hard I swam I didn't seem to get anywhere; it felt like I was in the aquatic equivalent of a treadmill. For a moment I entertained the idea of wanting to see if my feet could touch the bottom but something inside told it would be best not to know. Then for whatever reason I started swimming back at a diagonal and more sideways than forward at that. When I had finally reached the shore it was a good walk back to where my folks were laying on the beach.

    I wasn't terribly afraid and didn't realise that I had been in a riptide until later. This may sound weird but, I wasn't afraid except for the not touching bottom part, I just figured if I can't swim back this way I'll go that way. I actually trust the ocean more after the experience.

    But, I am afraid of sharks so I never learned to surf.

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  • Gravy

    Umm, I ticked 'awesome user name'
    WTF, the username of a post's author isn't identified unless you want it to be. So come on you filthy, stinking, unhygienic bush monkey, just how fucking awesome it your username?

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    • Iamagirl

      I have no idea what you just said, but I'm going to say thank you

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      • Gravy

        Hi Iamagirl,
        Lol, I have no idea either. I must have been malangered (having a blinder) because I have no recollection whatsoever. I'm sure it wasn't me who wrote that nonsense.

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        • Iamagirl

          Okay. And that was my first post just to let you know so I didn't know that it was anonymous. I know this is very late, but I wanted to apologize.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Bro, you must fucking stink.

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    • Iamagirl

      No actually I don't my odor is very nice for a long period of time. And my hair is very straight and manageable.

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  • Avant-Garde

    You have a phobia of water. I used to be afraid of taking a shower because the water was a projectile and I wasn't used to it. Later for a few years, I was scared to death of the shower head. I've been afraid of water for as long as I can remember. My fear first came into being when I drowned in a pool and the fear got renewed a few years later when I was taking swimming lessons. I can take showers but here's what I'm terrified of:

    1. Water that's used as a projectile coming in my direction
    2. Large bodies of water.
    3. Small bodies of water make me very uncomfortable. This why I don't like to sit in bathtubs because I feel like I'm going to drown.
    4. I'm scared of the ocean. The last time I went to the beach, I had a panic attack and I was too frightened to walk to the end of the shore.

    To worsen matters, I can't swim so if I did fall into a body of water I would most likely drown and die.

    Fear of the sea: Thalassophobia
    Fear of water: Aquaphobia

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    • RoseIsabella

      Hydrophobia- In Rabies, especially a set of symptoms of the later stages of an infection, in which the victim has difficulty swallowing, shows panic when presented with liquids to drink, and can't quench its thirst.

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      • Avant-Garde

        I knew that Hydrophobia was also for rabies so I decided against using that term. The terms I used are more specific and are official.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Yeah, I guess I just like sound of it, Hydrophobia, and for whatever reason I always enjoy a rabies reference.

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  • LizardSkin

    I almost died in the ocean and I'm not afraid of the water. Go figure.

    If you don't like swimming don't swim, but it's pretty near impossible to drown in the shower.

    And if you still can't get over it, see a doctor, there is medication for panic attacks.

    You don't want to walk through life stinky do you?

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    • Iamagirl

      I'm not afraid of drowning in the shower or the bathtub. It's just that I feel very unusual and uncomfortable in the bathroom. Like someone is watching me

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      • LizardSkin

        Like I said, see a psychiatrist. Take meds for your bathroom trips (anti anxiety pills)

        Seems like a strange phobia, but I'm not one to judge.

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  • Fabulous

    Swim in my semen

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  • davesumba

    No one ever (very rarely) almost dies in water, it is super easy and simple to just press the water out of the lungs and restart the breathing with CPR. You have an irrational F.E.A.R. (False Emotions Appearing Real)

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    • Iamagirl

      Thanks for making me fe better. :) and I'm really late omg

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  • myloveishisalways

    Pool is normal but please say. You take. Showers. On a daily basis that's a must

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