Is it normal to be afraid of the dark?

Ever since I was a kid I've been horribly afraid of the dark. I have a very vivid imagination. I also read scary stories on the internet a lot which doesn't help, but I suppose I'd be just as afraid without it. I'm a fucking 20 year old straight man and I'm afraid as fuck of the dark. When I lay on my side with my back facing the edge of the bed, I think some monster is going to sneak up on me from behind. Or some sort of entity. When I face towards the wall, I'm afraid a ghost is staring at me. When I'm on my back I just stare into the darkness and think, "You know, A ghost could pop up in the darkness at ANY second." And when I lay on my stomach.....Well then they can just attack at all angles.

I have to sleep with some source of light on. A television, A computer, it doesn't matter. I can't stand being in the darkness.


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Comments ( 4 )
  • dinz

    I used to suffer from a phobia of being lost, I guess to an extent it is similar to your fear of the darkness, the connection being is the fear of the unknown.

    Your brain is telling you that is doesn't understand what is around you due to the darkness. So your brain goes into some mode where it starts "filling in the gaps" with all sorts of crap that scares the living out of you. I guess it's just a way of the brain telling you to be aware/or on your guard (a natural survival instinct).

    I over come my phobia by realising that my imagination is getting the best of me.

    Please also note that you must not be ashamed of your phobia as it is common among us adults. I find it sad that many people don't seek help is because the perception that you will be viewed negatively.

    Please note that my comment is just from my experience and I'm certainly no specialist. I would recommend you seek professional help should your phobia continues. Thanks.

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  • katdr12

    uhmmm...we are the same person! I was afraid of the dark until a few months ago. I was a 20 year old afraid of the dark, like even when I slept over at a friends house, I would make them keep the lights, tv, or light in the hall on with the door open. I wasn't afraid of monsters, but ghosts...hell yeah. I was never afraid of ghosts during the daytime, or anything like that, i guess because of the light. For a while I used to stay up all night, especially from 3-4 because, you know thats like the "witching or ghost hour" lol...i blame it on watching scary movies, and reading scary books. like you know they dont exist, but when it dark, you know they can come out. you will grow out of it, just like i are probably just bored. good luck! you will be OK. Just think of how easily you fall asleep without lights when youre truly exhausted, you probably dont even think of ghosts( like fuck ghosts i need sleep) you have to think like that every night, and seriously...who do you know that got posessesed or eaten by monsters? it irrational. Good night!

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  • AquaTurtle

    It sounds like you're more afraid of your imagination than the dark itself.

    Are you keeping good sleeping habits? This includes no tv, computer or phone for at least half an hour before bed. Only use your bed (and preferably your room, but that's awfully hard) for sleeping and sexy times, not for lazing about on, studying on, or anything else. I'd also avoid those stories for hours before bed. I cannot watch scary movies, if I have to, then I do so during the day so by the time I get to sleeping it's not on my mind.

    I'd also recommend buying a light with a dimmer. Start with whatever setting you're comfortable with. The next night, dim it a little lower until you're 100% comfortable with that setting. Keep going until there is barely any light and eventually, none. You just need to re-train your mind into what the dark means.

    There are also amazing apps you can get for your phone which will play soothing noises, things from rain or waves to air conditioners and traffic.

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  • shuggy-chan

    look a space ghost, BOOOO

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