Is it normal to be afraid of the dark?
Thanks for the moon. Who is afraid of the dark?
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Thanks for the moon. Who is afraid of the dark?
The dark is safe. The dark is your friend. The dark hides you from your enemies and the dark is a womb. How in the world could you be afraid of the dark?
It's an innate feeling: most humans are at least wary of the dark. As somebody said we rely heavily on our sight, so when we can't see our other senses become more active and our modern minds tell us what could be out there.
If we weren't so alert in the dark then we could be ambushed by a predator.
It's normal. We use our sight to detect danger so it is normal to feel threatened when in the dark.
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I am terrified of the dark. I wish I wasn't, but I have an overactive horrific imagination when I can't see. Its irrational and consumes me.
When I am with someone else its not so bad because I try to act like the unafraid and joking one and it makes things better.
It is totally normal to fear the unknown. I love the darkness, but when I walk in a dark room, I am scared to death because I don't know what's behind me. If I was forced to sit in the middle of a dark room, I would be freaking out and would be checking to see what is behind me numerous times. But if I am sitting in a chair in the corner of a very dark room, I would be fine because I can see everything that is happening.