Is it normal to be afraid of the lights under a swimming pool?

I'm not sure why and I don't know where it has come from but I really dislike pool lights. We're talking like full on heebie jeebies.

My boyfriend took me to a pool and he witnessed it first hand and, while being very understanding was still like 'you are a crazy lady'. He had to stand in front of them so I could walk past.

I can't swim near them, I swim faster past them. I can't go underwater with goggles on because they are there. I won't touch one and sometimes I don't even get in the pool because they frighten me so much.

If I googled the image I'd start freaking out. I got into a hot tub which had a changing colour light underneath and I felt so tense the whole time.

Sometimes I wonder where this has come from - someone mentioned it might be anxiety but I really don't understand it because I used to be fine with them.

Anyone else got this phobia or know anything about it? I'd be interested to hear more!

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Comments ( 10 )
  • dappled

    I'm sure I've answered this one before from you, sometime around a year ago. Although I seem to remember the writing style being a bit different. Then again, I'm probably confused. I've answered something like ten thousand times.

    At the time I answered that it was a very real phobia for me and just thinking about it sets me on edge. So whether you posted a year ago or are just posting now, you're not alone. :)

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  • Phobiafor_poollights

    If you are interested in my post (I have the same issue) please read this So basically, I’ve always been afraid of those lights in the pool. When you look under the water at them they just look dark black wholes that are coming for you when I go into my pool there’s one right by the step so I always stay on the step and never go past it at any cost, anytime I am swimming with my mum she always has to go on the side of the pool light yet I thought it was just me being stupid. I would NEVER touch them but my mum did to try to convince me, STORY TIME: so I was in the pool with my mum and my auntie and the pump was on and it’s directed to the pool light and I was in a float ring and the pump brought me next to the pool light, I was screaming “HELP” but my mum would always say “don’t be stupid” I nearly touched it and swam as FAST as I could back to the step panicking. Thanks for reading PS : IS THIS NORMAL?

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  • Steve92

    Pool drains are dangerous. One day a neighborhood boys's hands got sucked in, and his hand had to be cut out to bring him out of the water! I was a witness, and this was one of the two most horrific thing I have ever witnessed in life!

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  • ellie06

    Yes. I have the same issue with these and pool drains.

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  • frannyasks

    Nothing to do with electricity...

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Are you afraid you could get electrocuted or something?

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  • After i saw Ghost in the machine i was terrified of swimming pools in general.....and script writers.

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  • greenpenguin13

    I feel like that sometimes. Its just one of those things you just can't explain why it happens.

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  • mrsxsalvatore

    I think I have an idea of why you would be scared of them. They can make you feel disorientated if they shine in your eyes, or reflect on the water. This would make you feel sick, which is maybe where your anxiety has stemmed from? I have a fear of drowning and have never been a very good swimmer, and I can imagine how you must be feeling.

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  • emilydoll

    But they are nice and warm typically :] They light up the area real nice! Nothing to be afraid of!

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