Is it normal to be afraid of the realistic-looking disney beginning?

I'm talking about the new Disney beginning thing, where they show the train, then the little town, then the real-looking castle. I'm a bit afraid of it because I feel like I'm watching all of the people in their homes, and they can see me, too. If I watch a Disney movie, I have to look away while this part plays. Is this at all normal?

Voting Results
23% Normal
Based on 75 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    If you're describing a particular film could you tell me the title?

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    While I have never watched or heard of this the way you described it I could totally understand why it might bother someone. So yes I think this is very normal.

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  • me1993


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  • Avant-Garde

    What are you talking about? I'm surprised that this managed to be accepted what with the fact that there are a lack of specifics.

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  • squirrelgirl

    You mean the logo? That logo actually gives me a lot of good feels because it reminds me of when I saw Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and Pixar's Brave for the first time (both movies have been the only ones I've seen with this logo).

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  • omg i'm scared to look! i'll get back to you

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    • pffft

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    I find this interesting because my toddler was afraid of the old one. One of the first times we sat down to watch a Disney movie together she said that 2-d castle with line that arches through "looks like an eyeball" and freaked out a little. Disney IS famous for "giving people what they want" and there's a lot of creepy stuff about them.

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    • Holzman67

      heaps of creepy stuff!
      I'll never forget in pinnochio the part where they kidnap boys and ship them to an island where they turn them into donkeys!


      thank you disney for all the nightmares!

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