Is it normal to be afraid of the status quo not being upheld?

Our government has done a pretty good job of keeping everyone in their place. They make sure the rightful people keep their power. But as you know recently there's been a wave of anarchists who don't want the government to make the poor stay that way and I'm scared that they're going to succeed. This atheist movement is nothing more than another one of their attempts to defile the most holy book of all, the Bible.

"For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath." Matthew 13:12

Why can't atheists leave us alone? Why do they discriminate and not let us practice our beliefs? Its disgusting that this evil movement has been tolerated for so long. How can us Christians be expected to do well when we live in a world where atheism doesn't just exist but is tolerated?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Benderisgreat34

    Atheists aren't anarchists, and while we don't like Christianity and want it gone from the world, we're only trying to remove it from government. Federal endorsement of any religion, INCLUDING CHRISTIANITY, is illegal. Read the first amendment. Also, we are correct on this one. The poor shouldn't have to stay poor. Nobody should go to bed hungry, nobody should not not have a roof over their heads, nobody shouldn't be able to pay for food, clothes, and medicine. They should be able to move up the ladder. I thought Jesus was in support of helping the poor, not keeping them where they are. Also, they may not solely be atheists. Maybe you are just an asshole who assumes that anybody who wants to change ANYTHING is an Atheist. Also, why would you think that this is another trying to destroy the bible things? We don't like religion, period. Why would you think this has anything to do with the bible whatsoever? Maybe people are just trying to help others, to change things, which Christians don't seem to like.

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  • GODofGod

    God will make sure that status quo is upheld. Government is trying its best to ensure that poor stays poor & status quo is maintained. They will try their best to suppress the anarchist movement. So, you don't worry.

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  • anti-hero

    Anarchist and Athiest are 2 very different things.

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  • In my opinion, and I haven't read the bible, but I have heard a few verses. It seems that the Bible is more about making people not allowed to fight against the evils of this world, where as the evils don't care enough to not be violent.

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  • svali

    so you want the government to role play as God? because the biblical verse you quoted is stating that whoever has Him in his heart will be rich. but you want the government to suppress the poor when that is something that Jesus would never try and do. Jesus is Robin Hood, bitch. You sir, are an idiot... and he also tolerates ignorance. That's why He loves you. <3

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    That's stupid.
    Atheism and amorality are not in the same league by any means. We can't discriminate against others. We must love and respect all others. Such are the true teachings of the bible. In the end, we are all children of God, whether or not some of us refuse to acknowledge it.

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