Is it normal to be afraid of the voices?

I hear wierd voices that started shortly after my release from the mental hospital and I am sort of afraid of them. Is this normal?

Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 33 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • crystalearth23

    DONT LISTEN TO THOSE IDIOTS ABOVE SAYING ABOUT NOT NORMAL!!!! I understand 100 per cent where you are coming from. I have lived my entire life from 11 to 22 years of age being told by voices to kill myself, that i wasnt good enough for anyone, that it would be better for everyone if i were dead. If i ignored them they would get louder and louder and meaner and meaner until I had to do it. I tried so many times to kill myself but obviously wasnt meant to leave earth yet. There were 2 bad ones and one good one fighting the people trying to make me kill myself. 2 males were the bad ones and 1 girl being the good one. I used to dream about three people all the time as well but it wasnt til last year that i discovered it was related.

    I am now 23 and I no longer hear them because I grew strong enough to tell them to go away. This was before I found out what i know know. I had been diagnosed with disorder after disorder. The last one being Bordeline Personality Disorder (the voices came from my supposedly horrible upbringing. I was forced to believe I was crazy because of everyone else who DOESNT hear or open their minds to the possibility of it actually being spiritually connected. However a year and a half ago I met a lady who i had never spoken a word to me whom i had met 2 years earlier who said this day that when she first met me I had 3 people standing behind me. She didnt tell me anything at that point as it was irresponsible of her seeing as she was the manager of the youth refuge i was going into. But when we did catch up again she was no longer working there and was a massuese and she came to give me a massage. She described the people i had always seen in my dreams and I swear on my life id never said a word about them. You are not crazy darl. You are just like me. Spiritually gifted in a world of ignorant people trying to strap people into a box of their own choosing. Dont listen to anyone in our western world. in eastern countries we would be seen as artists and great people who make the real difference in the world!!!

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    • kait_dona_who

      I can totally relate to you. That lady sounds very wise. I've had stuff like that to me happen. I've been attacked by ghosts, encountered demons, and seen ghosts because I went to school with tons of paranormal activity. It was scary but I found out that I was gifted spiritually as well and became pagan as a result so that I could learn to protect myself. I'm so sick of psychiatrists trying to diagnose people with disorders when there could be something that has nothing to do with any sort of disorder. I wish they had more open minds and listen to others experiences instead of writing them off with a disorder and medicating them.

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  • 800imawesome

    Bob says it's normal. But John is questioning your seriousness.

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  • 800imawesome

    This is obviously a troll people.

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  • oinkangel

    You can dismiss them if u don't like what they are saying, u r the only one who controls u.

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  • thevampiredude7

    I have had voices in my head for as long as I can remember its most likely not normal but whatever

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  • jessicababy33

    If they are good voices then yay!!! Follow your dreams !!!! if they are by then go back to the hospital! :( please

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  • Faceless

    You fuckin liar.

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  • Wh0Ar3YoU

    Lay off the drugs

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  • Blue_Velvet

    Take your medicine.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Are you on medication or were you ever diagnosed with a "mental illness?

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  • Mark3L

    take you meds and pray to God that he take them away

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