Is it normal to be afraid of whistling?
I am afraid of whistling, no matter who does it... IIN?
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I am afraid of whistling, no matter who does it... IIN?
Were you in a combat zone? Many of my buddies got PTSD, and hit the deck whenever they hear whistling.
For me it's the sound. I like hearing it in films, but in person the notice is too loud and sharp for my ears:/
So what does that FLO RIDER song do to you? CAN YOU BLOW MY WHISTLE BABY?
The old man that likes boys on family guy scares me when he whistles so yes I am afraid of whistling.
Lots of people seem to have a problem with whistling so I try not to do it in company. I guess you're not alone.
I can whistle a little, but not that well. You shouldn't be afraid if you don't know how to do it, it's something anyone can learn.