Is it normal to be afraid of zombies?

It's not like an overwhelming fear of zombies but after I watch zombie movies like 'Zombie 2' or the show 'Walking Dead' my imagination goes wild and I fear zombies are going to come after me at any minute.

Is this normal?

Voting Results
62% Normal
Based on 85 votes (53 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • iEatZombies_

    It's okay. Your post is safe now.

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  • fireballer216

    I think zombies are awesome, but when I think about them too much they scare the crap out of me. Just dont think about them too much and you'll be fine

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    I know karate so i couldn't give a shit.

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  • Blablababe

    You know, I've always had a strange fascination with zombies more that ghosts and whatnot. They are just so gory and cool. I've always had this awesome fatasy that lots of random people would be in a massive superstore, and everywhere there would be zombies just walking around trying to eat you, ripping the flesh off of ready cooked chicken legs in the frozen isle. It's always appealed to me, throwing a can of chicken soup at a zombie. Good times.... :D

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    If a zombie came at me I'd kick him square in the nuts.

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  • alison2000

    It's completely not normal being afraid of rotting corpses after your flesh and brains. /sarcasm

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  • PuppyPower

    Ahh! Zombies! Yeah, if there was ever a zombie attack, I got yo' back!

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  • dappled

    I've said this before but I'll say it again. Zombies are entirely fictional, like the Silver Surfer or Rip Van Winkle. A zombie apocalypse really isn't going to happen, despite there being an element of human thought that seems to welcome the idea of apocalypse (the Bible, disaster movies, zombies).

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    • NothingxCrazy

      Have you heard about bath salts? Over in the States there were cases of people eating other people's faces off. Many cases the users displayed super human strength (due to adrenaline of course). Sure, they're not a 'zombie' and they come down after but they still have many traits much like a zombie. I'm sure if you throw in rabies or something of the sort they'll act more like zombies.

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      • dappled

        I did some reading. This is absolutely bizarre. The stuff I read looked very much like trolling and I was doing a lot of checking to make sure it wasn't written on April 1st.

        Maybe I should do my zombie training after all as everything that happens in America happens here five years later.

        Oh, and I love what some wit from the Center for Disease Control had to say:

        "CDC does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead (or one that would present zombie-like symptoms)."

        At least, I presume he was going for wit. It certainly made me laugh.

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        • NothingxCrazy

          I wasn't aware someone had said that. I'm sure that played with some people out there! Hah.

          The bath salt incidents definitely threw many people off their rockers. There haven't been any major reporting as of recently. I'm still curious as to what exactly caused it. Maybe it was just a bad batch.

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  • Short4Words

    I get it. It used to frighten me too but it's really not something you need to be worried about at all. All I can say is that you shouldn't let fear control you.

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  • FrancoisDillinger

    It probably sounds weird, but sometimes when I'm up really late my mind starts to wander and comes up with the most ridiculous thoughts involving zombies.

    I'll start to imagine when I leave the house in the morning nobody will be out. The streets will be empty. As if they everyone were attacked by zombies in the night and I'm the only one that survived.

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  • Store210

    I have the same problem, just with almost everything, everything from secret agents, to females betting the shit out of me, without a reason.

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  • Darkoil

    ^Brilliant. In response to the op, come on a zombie apocalypse would be the greatest thing to ever happen.

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    • thanksforthefreecar

      Um, Not really, that would be terrible.

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    • darthknight

      Yeah, try to say that when it will actually happen.

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