Is it normal to be afraid to ask girls out?

There are times where I wish I was a different person, why? because I can't I find the courage to go and get the girl I want, there's so many girl I see on the streets and college but I just can't walk up to them like other guys do and just talk. so many opportunities I've let pass, you know there's a way girls look at you, and instantly you'll know that she likes you and she's interested that has happened to me at the bus stop this pretty blonde looked at me and its like she could see through me, her eyes were beautiful and she looked at me twice not once "twice" and how did I react, I just stood there I did nothing and the best part, she actually took the same bus as me and she's was with her two girl-friends, I mean that's huge opportunity right. I seriously do not understand myself sometimes its like I need one huge slap across the face to wake me the f**k up. the only time I'll talk to a girl is when she says something first, my cousins make it look so easy, I know most people told me to go clubs and parties but that's not me I don't fit in to things like that I never did besides I don't want to sleep with a girl while am/she drunk, I've always told myself thing will get better as you grow and now 20 freaking years old and ain't s**t exciting going on in my life all I do is go to college and come straight home and I leave on my own as well I know most guy will kill to have a place of their own and party and sleep with all the girls but I don'.

what kind of personality do I have? "rhetorical question". and ever since that day I saw her I have been waiting on the bus stop at the same time taking the same bus hoping and wishing she would show up again, the chances of seeing her again are very slim, you know even if she were to show up again would I have the strength to go talk to her I doubt it I'll freeze again.

its hard to describe how i am really i guess i'm a quiet person, friendly to everyone, i always make good first impressions, people are always excited and looking forward to see me again, i understand and read other people's personalities and well-being, yet i find it hard to fully understand myself

yh so that's how I am, im too slow to grab opportunities when is comes to females man.


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Comments ( 11 )
  • mob

    Yess. Thank guys
    I finally saw her again this time i just went up to her and said "hi" the convo just took off from there, I even got her number.


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  • Marisol

    There is no way that you will ever get any girl if you continue like this. I am telling you this for your own good. I liked a guy who was the nicest person and I knew that he liked me but, he never approached me. Apparently, he is shy and stuff but, it is hard to believe this because he is being so contradicting. I will not retell the whole story.

    The point is that him not bringing himself to approach me has led to us both feeling akward with one another. The other day he was passing in his car and I know that he saw me. I turned my head in his direction to wave; he placed one of his fingers on his head - kind of as if he was thinking and looking straight forward, not at me. He does this when he sees me. That is how akward it can get.

    Then, when we are around each other we act as though nothing ever happened. (It is a long story indeed).

    My point is, when you find a girl who you are trully attracted to don't waste time. Chances are, another guy will approach her and you will be left feeling more sorry for yourself than you feel now. This is the truth. One day you might possibly meet a girl who takes your breath away every time, and if you never do anything to be with her, you will lose big time.

    I don't want the next thing to sound hurtful but, it was because of this shy guy whom by the way, I cannot forget; that I have given up on finding a good guy ever. I mean, he is supposedly a good guy but, has gone out of his way to hurt me so many times. It does not make sense to use girls. I am slowly giving up on love.

    I have said so many times that doing the right thing is always the hardest to do. And, it is. Man up, look in the mirror, take a deep breath. Approach her. So what if you might come accross as who knows what? For the love of all that is good, please just say hi next time you see her. One little step will lead to another, and than you will be so much further from where you are now.

    You are so young, you don't want to be in the same place five years from now. You must change your attitude!

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    • chicken471bologna

      Did it ever occur to you that maybe YOU should have taken the first step with this shy guy since he didn't make any moves? I swear sometimes you women can be so stupid.

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      • Marisol

        I am more than happy that nothing had happened with him. Realising that a real man will do everything to be with the woman that he likes/loves is enough.

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    • mob

      Yess. Thank you Marisol
      I finally saw her again this time i just went up to her and said "hi" the convo just took off from there i even got her number.

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      • Marisol

        I am truly happy for you :D Just keep on going.

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  • sperry80

    Try to live in the moment and just say "hi" and see where it goes. Most of the time, it won't work out anyway, so you should see it as an opportunity to find the one you are compatible with and weed out the ones who don't do it for you. Usually shyness is completely normal around the opposite sex. You're young. You'll gain more confidence with life experience.

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  • snafu

    you just have to ask politly, women love sweetness in a person, No one likes rejection, i think thats what you fear, learn how to deal with rejection and youll have know wories at all

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  • YawningBober

    I was the same way. You'll get over this phase. ;-)

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  • Boo!

    Look the trick is not to think about it. If you think you will probably create a 100 negative senario's. You know most guys are like you, just go up to her and say anything!! Dont think about it!!! Just get your ass over there!! If you have to practice in the mirror before you start go ahead! If you have to prepare a conversation to say first do it!! Just get going!!!! Thinking is what kills sometimes. Girls aren't going to fall out of trees, you have to meet them half way.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I'm afraid too but then in my case they don't smile at me or look twice.

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