Is it normal to be afraid to ask girls out?
[Little Background]
In 4th grade i asked a girl out for the very first time, she said no then told everyone in the school and i was laughed at for getting rejected.
In 5th grade i asked out 2 different girls and the same thing happened.
In 7th grade i asked a girl out yet i was extremely afraid to but she did say yes but 3 weeks later she broke up with me for another guy and said if it doesn't work out with him she will come back to me (I said no to that)
[Now to my problem]
I'm 19 and in my last year of high school, i haven't ask a girl out since 7th grade. I have friends that are girls and some of i really like but i'm way to afraid to say anything to them so i just continue being there friends. As time goes on i see that they talk to less and less and some has stopped talking to me unless i go up and talk to them.
I don't know what to do about this problem and as i see every friend that i have getting a girlfriend i begin to ask myself if this isn't normal. I'm a very nice person yet i have a very big problem and now wondering if its normal. Plus now that im getting older its starting feel like this problem is ruining my life. Outside im happen yet inside im very sad, i really need help with this.
So is it normal for me to be extremely afraid to ask out girls, or even show that i like them that way?
(P.S Just going to say this because i know some one is going to think it, no i am not gay)
(P.P.S wrote this at 2am for if there's errors i'm really sorry