Is it normal to be afraid to come out of the closet to coworkers?

I have been in the closet for quite a long time but nobody at my workplace knows. I want to tell somebody I work with that I'm gay but afraid of their reaction.

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91% Normal
Based on 44 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • TerryVie

    it's normal, BUT:

    1.: Is it relevant they know? Much of the awkwardness when coming out to co-workers is if you "approach" them on the topic when there is no call to do so.

    2.: Do you need to actually TELL them? I simply had my partner with me on the company christmas party, if anybody was unsure before, that pretty much settled it. If your company doesn't have social events involving partners, being picked up by your partner and showing public affection could work just as well.

    3.: If you do not have a partner and want to tell a co-worker because you have a crush on them, then you are rightfully afraid. THAT kind of thing turns awkward...permanently, and i would advise to keep to the "don't ask, don't tell" policy in that case.

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  • anti-hero

    What kind of work do you do? I would be afraid if I were a construction worker, not so much if I worked at bed, bath and beyond.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    Your co-workers don't care that you are gay. In fact they don't even want to hear about it. Seriously. It's not relevant to the workplace, and it's just awkward when there's that one "gay and proud" guy in the office. We don't want to hear about your sex life any more than you want to hear about ours. Keep it to yourself.

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  • nightmare28

    Why would you want to tell them? You work with them or want to f--k them? If you're just working with them than I don't see any difference what do you prefer in your bedroom.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I have no experience coming out, but I can imagine what you are going through! I would be terrified of peoples reactions myself! What I hope you keep in mind is that if a persons opinion of you changes because of your sexual preference, did you really want to be friends with that sort of person anyways?

    You can be friends with all of us lovely IIN'ers and myself as well!

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  • 011assasin

    If I were homosexual I probably would find myself in the same position you are in, seeing how this world is full of single minded bigots. Don't feel like you're forced to tell people, just do it when you feel the time is right. You're normal.

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  • Lucy-loo

    of course its normal to be worried about it, but if they are your friends, and just normal decent people, it wont affect the way they think of you - i know it wouldnt if one of my friends told me!

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