Is it normal to be afraid to take birth control?
I started my first pill of ortho tri cyclen lo birth control last night, I've read a lot of mixed reviews about it and I'm not sure what to expect. Is it normal to be afraid of the side effects?
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I started my first pill of ortho tri cyclen lo birth control last night, I've read a lot of mixed reviews about it and I'm not sure what to expect. Is it normal to be afraid of the side effects?
Personally I recommend to not take birth control pills as they could have bad side effects resulting in not being able to get pregnant later in life... Not sure how accurate this is.
Yes it is. Birth control can be very damaging, and can affect your fertility if you take them for a long period of time. I have never used hormonal forms of birth control.
The chances that you will have one of those health problems are very low unless you have a previous history with having those health problems, are much older than 40 or are a heavy smoker/drinker.
Birth control pills are like retail. If you have a good experience and no problems, then doubtful you'll be ranting and raving about it in reviews and to friends. However, if you have a shitty experience, you hit the airwaves with complaints and don't stop.
With every chemical you put in your body, there is a risk. I'd rather take my chances with a 2-3% at most risk of a blood clot than the risk of an unplanned pregnancy.
There are a lot of reasons to be afraid and since you're afraid, I'm sure you know the risks of oral contraception and that it can cause high blood pressure, blood clots, etc., even in teenage girls. If you don't want to take the pill, then you should find some other method of birth control, just don't let yourself get pregnant. Even though the pill has health risks, they are less than the health risks and consequences of pregnancy. Although you don't give your age, the very worst thing a teenager or young woman can do is have an unplanned baby.