Is it normal to be afraid to talk to people?

I really don't like talking to people, I'm almost afraid to do it. This person keeps telling me that I need to talk to people and make friends because there are benefits such as finding jobs. I don't think that I need to make friends to find a job. So, is it normal that I don't talk to people?

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59% Normal
Based on 34 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • TheProph

    Oh, also, take it from me. the people who talk to people at their jobs go further than the quiet ones who do work that's 10,000 times better. I made my old company almost 200k, but because I never talked to anyone, and kept to myself, I was laid off when they made cutbacks. And people that didn't even make the company a 20th of that were kept.

    There are unbelievable benefits to it, as ridiculously stupid as they are.

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  • TheProph

    It is normal, although it's not healthy. People need to socialize with other people or they will go mad. This is a fact.

    I'm the same way, if it were up to me, I'd spend the rest of my life alone with everything I need. The only socializing I'd really NEED would be some female sexy time. She can come sit on my face for a few hours, give me a blowjob, and leave.

    But I digress, you need to force socializing with people on yourself. I'm doing the same thing right now. It sucks, but you have to, unless you want to become an insane hermit who ends up becoming a serial killer.

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  • imawierdo

    you might have social anxiety?? or your particularly just very shy. its alright because i dont like talking to people i dont know very well, i guess im just awkward.

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  • howaminotmyself

    No, you don't need to make friends to find a job but knowing how to network with people is very helpful in finding a job.

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    • My friend recently told me that it is practically essential to make friends to find a job or at least a good one that I will enjoy. I go out of my way to not talk to people and she says I need to get over it.

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      • howaminotmyself

        There is logic in this. Making connections with people will help you figure out what you do and don't like about different types of jobs. And if you like who you work with, you will be happier with the work you are doing. But you just mentioned getting a job, if you want to enjoy your job, it helps to enjoy the people you work with.

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        • Francophile22

          Sorry, not the op but I disagree. I know damn good and well what I want and don't want to do for work, and I never talk to anybody, I never have to, nobody ever sways me at all, I just know myself, always have.

          P.S.: advertisers hate me, I never listen to them, I just buy what I want, and I don't give a crap if society loves or hates what I want, I ignore public taste too, I just do what is right for me.

          So it is possible to think all to yourself and still know exactly what you want.

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        • I just don't see why I need to make friends. She stressed that I have to do it and get over my fear of people. I don't even know how to do this or if I am strong enough to do it, yet she said it like it's an essential thing to do.

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          • howaminotmyself

            I think you are focusing too much about the friend aspect. You don't have to make friends, but being friendly and personable will help you get a job that you like doing.

            What is it about people that you are afraid of?

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            • Talking to them, opening up to them, I fear rejection in any way.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Stop whining and man up you little bitch!

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    • Francophile22

      You seem nice

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