Is it normal to be amused by people who totally pamper their pets?

By "totally pamper their pets", I don't mean feeding them healthy, nutritious food, protecting them from cruelty, and giving the proper care they need to live long and well, but I mean those who take it to the next level and put their pets to extravagance.

What I mean is how there are people who spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on pet products that are nothing but indulgence. I have heard of people buying meat for fancy restaurants to feed to their dogs, spend lots of cash on designer clothes, yoga, spas, etc. And I'm pretty sure that most of the time the pets themselves wouldn't actually care.

I'm not irritated but I find it highly amusing, with a "lol seriously?" attitude. Is this normal?

Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 46 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Naughty_rascal

    It's perfectly normal to find this behavior amusing, but be amused with a certain melancholy in your heart. This is stupidity at its zenith. It's got nothing to do with pets being pampered and everything to do with the owners insecurities. Shinier things=happy life? No. Allow me to illustrate the reality by means of a short anecdote . . .

    Two parents were on holiday in some far flung exotic location. They had with them their 3 year old boy. These three people stand in a market, the parents being shown a 'precious' stone by a market vendor. A souvenir, a trinket to take home. The vendor points out this stones particular beauty, haggling the price, the parents nodding in agreement. The child meanwhile has taken another 'precious' stone from the vendors table and is banging it against other rocks in the mud at his feet. The parents eventually see this and chastise the child for his behavior. The child doesn't understand what is wrong.
    The point of this? The child is the dog, it doesn't see any value. Pricing things according to beauty, availability, desirability, aesthetic appeal, or perceived value, these are terrible human traits. Your pet, if it has any level of cognitive function that perceives its surroundings in context, will probably also be amused with a certain melancholy in its heart.

    Pets just want a warm bed, not to be mistreated, and food and water. In exchange they will be loyal and not eat your face while you sleep. The contract between humans and pets should extend no more than this. If it does and you pamper them, you deserve to be eaten while you sleep.

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  • IMissMary

    Yeah those people have mental problems, I avoid them

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  • thegypsysailor

    It's the same for me when pet owners turn their pets into their "children". I have had pets (and in some cases been owned by a pet) and cared for them very deeply, but they have never become my "children" in any way at all. Working on the yachts for rich people, I've definitely seen some "pampered" pets, and it was a bit depressing to realize that the collar on the owner's Poodle was worth more than I made in 4 years; and I was pretty well paid! But I'd be outta there in a heartbeat if the dog ate better than the crew. Oh no you don't..........

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  • RainbowDischarge

    It's a little ridiculous, but if you have the money and it makes you happy, why not? The most expensive item I bought my bengal boy is his 3 tower cat tree for around little less than $200 on sale. He uses it everyday =^.^=

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