Is it normal to be an atheist but read the bible?

I feel like I need to have knowledge on the subject of God before I can choose not to believe in the idea. That way I won't feel ignorant when I tell a believer my reasons for being an atheist. Is it normal?

Voting Results
91% Normal
Based on 94 votes (86 yes)
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Comments ( 31 )
  • soul-man

    I like the bit where Jesus kills the fig tree.

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  • disthing

    Sure, but consider your motives.

    If it is just to feel sufficiently versed in The Bible that if a Christian challenges you about your non-theism you can justify it using the text, fair enough.

    If it is in order to challenge Christians indiscriminately wherever you find them and to 'show off', then it's immature.

    I would say, though, that usually atheists don't need The Bible to explain or justify their lack of belief in the Christian god. Most don't believe because they apply an evidence based approach to life, and where something isn't sufficiently supported by physical evidence, it isn't sufficiently proven to warrant total belief. That should be enough, without ever having to dip into a Biblical page.

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    • I get challenged by my family mostly. They had raised me Catholic and are just getting used to their new out-of-the-closet atheist son. The problem is I don't want them to know I still read the bible because I think that would just confuse them. So whenever they walk into my room while I'm reading I just switch to a porn magazine since it's easier to explain.

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      • FreeFromFear

        Hi Anonymous Poll Creator,

        I too had been raised Roman Catholic. It is a pack of hideous damnable lies! Take a look at this and post back--I would love to know what you think of it--

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      • disthing

        Fair enough... Although why don't you just switch to an ordinary book? Why porn? Who has porn magazines these days anyway?

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        • It's a lot faster than getting out the laptop and searching for it, especially at a moment's notice. Porn because that's just me :P

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  • GreyWulfen

    I tried to, but while it has it's good parts, most of it is just incredibly boring.

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  • thr

    Depending on how you define atheism, that's like saying you have to know all about Buddhism in order to choose not to be a Buddhist.

    The way I see it, not believing in something is a more natural stance. It is possible to neither believe nor disbelieve in something, e.g., if it is something of which you have never heard. In that case, you do not believe.

    If you want to have a well-informed lack of belief/disbelief, then I would think it would be easier to find a couple of Christians and have them explain the most important parts.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's normal. There's nothing wrong with learning about religions. I am an Atheist-agnostic and I wouldn't mind reading the torah and I have enjoyed reading about Eastern religions like Buddhism.

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  • q25t

    It's fairly well supported that atheists on average know more about the Bible and other world religions than do most other subgroups, including Christians.

    There's also a saying that the fastest way to make an atheist out of a Christian is to have them read the Bible.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    When will people learn the bible is just a book. If you believe in it or not it is still a book. If you want to read it that is fine. If you choose to believe any of it is another matter. Reading the bible in fact will teach you a lot about history. It does mention some historical events in the bible. Also a lot of historical events were centered around the worshiping of said book.

    Now if you believe there was really god, spirits so on in any of them that is up to you. The bible in fact mentions god leaving the holy land to the jews. the jews still live in it today. So if you believe it was given to them by god or not they still reside in that area today. Its like stories of midevil times.

    Many stories will talk about dragons. If you believe in dragons or not most people agree that mid evil times was real. Even putting all that aside its not bad to understand another person culture.

    It also makes you seem more knowledgeable. However simply not believing in religion does not give you a right to belittle people. So be respectful. They should not push you to follow what they believe and you should not push what you believe on them. So just remember everyone has different beliefs and we should all respect each other.

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    • q25t

      I wouldn't recommend reading the Bible for any historical value. It's pretty much accepted that nearly all of the OT was fabricated, with the New Testament being more heavily debated but still with a large portion of scholars saying pretty much all of it is fabrication.

      To the issue of respect, I will respect anyone and everyone unless given a reason not to. However, I will ridicule and mock religious beliefs that are unsubstantiated without the slightest qualms. That which is ridiculous should be ridiculed.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        My point was it was involved in many historical events revolving around it. There is many countries that follow as a whole what they believe happened in the books. Isreal was given to the jews by god. It says this in the bible. This is why they believe they are entitled to the land. What do you mean Ubsubstantited? Do you speak of things such as Scientology? Also like I said if you want to be respected for your beliefs you should respect other. If not than you deserve to be laughed at. Also people might think everything you do is stupid. So if you want to open up that kind of hate for yourself that is all you.

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        • q25t

          "My point was it was involved in many historical events revolving around it. "

          You can't quite get the historical context of a book from reading that book. You can read how the Bible has changed the course of human history all year and still not put a dent in its effects, but looking at the book itself wouldn't help at all.

          "There is many countries that follow as a whole what they believe happened in the books. Isreal was given to the jews by god. It says this in the bible."

          It's not really all that surprising that some people still believe what the Bible says is true; it still doesn't make reading the book advisable or inadvisable. Also, if Yahweh gave the Jews Israel, he really has done a terrible job keeping that promise. The landmass there over the last 2000 years has been solely in Jewish control for only a tiny fraction of that time between Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Crusader, Ottoman, and then British rule.

          "What do you mean Ubsubstantited? Do you speak of things such as Scientology?"

          Yes and no. I mean Scientology, Christianity, Islam, certain aspects of Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, and all of the other -isms that make religious claims that cannot back up their claims with a single iota of evidence.

          Compare a child asking how a microprocessor functions compared to how Jesus dying somehow alleviates the burden of sin. In the case of Jesus, whoever answers can attempt to go back to the Old Testament where ritual sacrifice was commonplace, with the sins flowing into the animal to be slaughtered (origin of scapegoat). They could also take the easy way out and say that it is simply a matter of faith, as with all other theistic claims. On the other end of the spectrum, we have the child asking about the microprocessor. Available for anyone with an internet connection are answers to this question, from the properties of the materials that go into the microprocessor, to the functionality, to the history, to the literature stating why and how this particular device works.

          We can also look at the motivations for people to get out this information. In the case of most theistic claims, it is an immortal soul which hangs in the balance, where the stakes could be no higher. The one dispensing the information in many cases is also claimed to be all-loving and kind, like the Christian God. On the microprocessor, we have people with varying motivations for distributing this information, although it seems unlikely that every stranger on the Internet that provides the information is as altruistic as an all-loving God.

          "Also like I said if you want to be respected for your beliefs you should respect other."

          I don't particularly care if someone respects my personal beliefs or not. What I do care about is whether or not that person respects me as a person, regardless of whatever flaws they see or do not see. I have many friends who are devoutly religious and I still hold a great deal of respect for them, just not in that area. It's just a matter of separating them from their religion.

          "Also people might think everything you do is stupid."

          I don't really follow. If a person is honestly stupid enough to consider a person inherently stupid because of one stupid belief, then I have no issues with insults from that type of person.

          "So if you want to open up that kind of hate for yourself that is all you."

          I've been well prepared for it. I'll discuss what I think with others no matter the consequences. It stimulates growth as a person more than anything else I've ever tried.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    The bible is good to read because there are many literary and lyrical allusions to the bible.

    As far as faith searching goes, reading the bible is just going to bore you to death, and then you'll know for sure if there's a god or not.

    It won't hurt you to dabble in it, but Semitic religions are not the only ones to profess belief in god/gods. If you want to make sure you have faith in no faith I suggest a more active exploration. Talk to people (of different religions) who believe in god, visit different churches/mosques/temples and ask questions, travel and get different opinions. It's not a debate you have to win, so be respectful and you will learn so much more.

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  • PatrickZ

    It's very normal. I'm an atheist too, but I've read the bible and also some of the koran. I know what people that got those religions believe in, I just don't believe in it myself.

    You know, there are some great stories in the bible. Stories that can be a compass in your life, even if you don't believe. And basically that's what all people seek in their life, a compass.

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  • yes, you wouldn't invest in a companies stocks without learning about the company right?

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  • Iamagirl

    Me: ( sees all of these long posts.)

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  • TwoThumbs

    I would consider myself religious and spiritual and personally I think this is VERY SMART of you. I study several religions. I tend to believe they are all talking about the same thing...and I find each very fascinating and I don't think you can speak intelligently without having perspective of other religions and atheism. Bravo to you. Don't limit yourself to just the Bible though. Study up on Buddhism and really study the meditation there...well just try to embrace all religions...see where people come from. You'll find that Judaism and many other religions are very accepting of other religions.

    Also, just because one person says something and they are of a specific religion doesn't mean that is what they learn from their studies. People tend to be flawed. So what you're doing makes even more sense. One of the most interesting thing I've heard recently was Pope Francis speaking on abortion and homosexuality. He believes the church involves itself way to much on these topics. Some Christians (notice I said some and not all) have taken to these topics so strongly and act like people who condone either are heathens. Where as the Bible teaches that a sin is a sin and we are all sinners. So these people that are judging people for their sins are gallivanting around all high and mighty like they are without sin...their religion would suggest otherwise. These folks are very misguided and will hopefully learn that we are all human. We're trying to get through life and figure it out. Judging others process in doing so is not only a waste but harmful to both parties.

    This was way long winded. Anywho. Good for you.

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  • Fuhrer

    All atheists should read the bible before deciding whether or not to be an atheist.

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  • lufa

    I'm an atheist also and I have a copy of the Quran on my Android phone. Why?

    First rule of war, KNOW THY ENEMY, also knowledge is power.

    The Quran is a boring, repetitive useless piece of crap, not fit to be toilet paper. Most of it is dedicated to hatred, incitement of violence, warfare and supremacy over non-muslims.

    I've read parts of the Bible also, another piece of shit literature. It's good to know because most idiots in our culture were raised on that garbage.

    I look forward to the day when religions disappear, but probably won't happen for many generations-hopefully we won't have nuked the world by then.

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  • FreeFromFear

    I always instinctively knew there was a God but because I grew up Roman Catholic and hadn't read the Bible for myself I grew up believing all sorts of twisted outright lies that the Roman Catholic church taught about God. It was horrible! When I finally did read the Bible for myself I was truly amazed : )

    I think you are smart for actually wanting to look into the subject for yourself instead of just blindly taking someone's word for it. One of the best ways to verify whether the Bible is true or not is prophecy. A large percentage of the Bible is prophecy.

    Here is a link so you can research the subject for yourself--“The Messiah in both Testaments” - An excellent study of the prophecies of Jesus and their fulfillment. MS Word DOC 400 KB Adobe PDF 400 KB If the links don't go through in clickable form then copy and paste this into your browser and then scroll down until you find the free online book link for it

    There is also a $1,000 reward offered if you can disprove it so what do you have to lose?

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  • Karmasbitch

    Totally normal, I'm not an atheist but I try to read the bible for knowledge of it rather than the beliefs of it.

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  • Atomsk1337

    There's nothing wrong with reading the any book.
    Reading the bible alone doesn't change you.
    I am an atheist, and I study the bible here and there.
    Christianity is disgusting, and the bible is proof of that.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    i like the bit where they lie to you about jesus being the son of god.

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  • anti-hero

    At least you know something about one of the religions (well parts of 3 actually) that you don't believe in. That is more than I can say for a number of atheists.

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  • Dot123

    Aliens. That is all.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Know thine enemy!

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  • randomthoughts

    BIBLE= Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth !!

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    • BIBLE= Book Instigating Blood Lust Evil !!

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  • The return of Mr Jenkins the overweight office clerk is at hand.....

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