Is it normal to be an evil magician?
It's not only black magick I do but most of it is. I gained an interest in them ever since I bought and read a book on magic spells: both white magic and black magic, with the black magic it doesn't tell you to do the rituals, but it tells you how it's done, with all courage I've done some of its black magic it told me to leave alone (ha ha ha! I'm not afraid of black magic one bit!). So I grew up with such rituals as: anything done in the Necronomicon, demonancy (the summoning of demons) and infernal necromancy (infernal summoning of spirits of the dead). My mother is against all branches of black magic, she calls my black magic books "the bad books", I found out there are books specifically on demonancy, with the title 'Ars Goetia', but one of them on demonancy is summoning in general, even the good magic, but I didn't want that, I wanted a black spell, to read it and to perform it (which I usually do at night, but it's not indispensable to do it at night), and the 'Ars Goetia', a mid-17th century book by an anonymous author. I know a few black magic magicians, such as my friend Selwyn (hence the Necronomicon pleases him), and I'm currently buying a book on black magic (making sure it's not fiction), I'm pretty sure it involves demonancy. There are some famous black magic magicians, including a lot of Satanists, and Luciferians, which I feel is good for evil spirits. Is any of this normal?