Is it normal to be annoyed with a certain fanbase?

Okay so, I've noticed almost everybody in the virtual world is part of at least one fanbase. That's totally fine, I'm part of a few fandoms and made some friends that way. Some, however, take it WAY too far.

I have said many times, on this site and everywhere, I'm just not a fan of this particular person. She has a song called I Hate Seagulls. I absolutely HATE animal abuse with an intense burning passion, and it seems like she supports it because of that song. She throws fits over honest criticism. Some guy didn't like her bloody HAIRBOW and she punched him. I'm not defending him, I just don't see why she can get away with whatever she wants. Guys have dumped me because of her. People on this site keep disliking my comments JUST BECAUSE I don't like her, they also said I deserved to be picked on and sexually assaulted. They also said it's okay to bully people for shit they can't help, like mental or physical problems, and even committing TERRIBLE acts such as abuse and sex crimes is okay. Just as long as no one does anything to her. I'm not talking about one particular person, there's more than one. Just STOP verbally attacking me for standing up for what I believe, people like her need to be chastised more. Is it normal to be this annoyed and offended?

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79% Normal
Based on 34 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Eveyana

    In all fan sites, fan communities or online fandoms, there is always that one person or a group of people who are obnoxious as all hell. Some even seem to have a large following and it's probably because they pretend to be all nice on the surface but they're actually just horrible people and some of us, like you and me, can see through right through them.

    I would suggest that you block them and block anyone associated with them (unless they are not involved in the drama). Under no circumstance is it ok for anyone to bully, harass you or start smear campaigns against you whether it be online or in real life. If things get too out of hand on whatever website you are on and you are losing people / friends / supporters by the dozens because of that person, then I would suggest reporting them for harassment and perhaps even starting a new account with a different alias and just don't let anyone know who you are. Just be a fan and talk to people under that new alias and don't ever say anything that might possibly give you away.

    All the best and don't let it get you down.

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  • Shrunk

    I thought this was gonna be about MLP. anyway the paragraph really confused me, it doesn't make any sense... unless it's some kind of inside joke, if so my bad. but it's sounds like a lot of childish nonsense, on her part mostly, but no offense you need to toughen up and ignore things like this because it sounds like they are just trolling you or something, it's annoying but i dont think there's much you can do... i've had similar problem and it just ends up being a waste of time trying to talk to people like that

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    • dodongos

      hahaha, I was totally expecting "I hate bronies."

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    • Fair point. I actually don't know for sure anyone on this site is a fan, it's just that I've openly expressed my dislike for her and I kind of assumed that's why some users don't like me. They literally go against everything I say no matter how logical. Also she has sob stories about how she's been "bullied" and has problems with OCD. I have depression, OCD, Aspergers & I'm prone to anxiety. I didn't fit in at school, people are still rude to me today. I was sexually violated a couple of years ago. But I can't talk about it without getting told to "stop whining." She never gets told that. But I do think one particular user here was trolling me and I shouldn't let it get to me. Thanks for the comment.

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      • Shrunk

        Ahh, i understand a bit better now. I too have those problems (not diagnosed with Asperger's but I can relate to it a lot) and sometimes I don't really understand how some people are popular for being so stupid and whiny about their problems, yet others are called annoying for being completely genuine, so I can't help you there, other than sympathy. I guess they just know how to manipulate others, it has to do with the way the communicate, using emotions more than logic I think. Don't let it get you down, people like that tend to be losers in real life, and their followers even more so.

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  • smellypillowgirl

    Forgot to add dont go on her Facebook it will just upset you. Ignore the whole thing. Us Brits have a sarcastic, ironic sense of humour.....did you know Jerry Springer is British born and Kim Kattrall?.And as for the comment that was made by someone about my girl Adele getting skinny well let me say that she dont need to prove herself as she is one of the best singers out there so no slagging her off please, she likes to focus on her singing, she lets that do all the talking, better than that flat arsed brattish fool who cannot dance Ariana Grande. Next Mariah , my arse! so please guys lets give credit where credits due. sorry for such long rant. much love.

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  • smellypillowgirl

    Im British and from London Town, Kate Nash, Adele and Lily Allen are from London. I do not know what you are talking about i HAVE NEVER HEARD OF A KATE NASH SONG called I hate seagulls and truss me I would. Dont get so upset about these tings mate yeah ? Dont let people upset you, ignore them. IM glad you like British people. BIG UP BRRRAAP BRRAAAAPP. lONDON OUT.

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  • ucipher8

    adele got skinny, finally!

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  • Energy

    Who are you talking about?

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    • Dontworrybehappy

      Kate Nash

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      • You're good lol...nothing against British people as a whole, I like Lily Allen.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I don't think bullying is ever okay, but why are you looking at fan pages of someone you don't like?

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    • Glad you agree, but I don't read fansites, I just noticed her fans get too defensive when it comes to her. I checked out her music once and read her Facebook page a while ago and immediately regretted it. I was talking about THIS website, there are people who act like fans.

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      • howaminotmyself

        I'm not sure what kind of fans you are talking about, but I don't think that matters. You are the one who brought up something you don't like talking about. Don't engage in a conversation that you know will make you angry.

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