Is it normal to be attracted by young girl?

I am 30 and I like women from 14 to 40 years old, but I find that the most beautifull girls are 14 to 17 year old. I think most men think like me but cannot admit it (taboo). IIN?

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64% Normal
Based on 1135 votes (722 yes)
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Comments ( 84 )
  • statuskuo

    18 is just a number. Why 18? Why not 16 or 20? Why not 14 or 22? Everyone who says that you are not normal is full of shit. On a biological level humans are attracted to youth, and it doesn't help that the media pounds it in to or skulls that young girls are hot. Your normal.

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    • iireptyuo

      why 18 why not 10? or 8? or 7? yes now girls sometimes even reach their puberty by 7 as well. are we going to justify it and say "oh its normal cuz biology blah blah blah" well biology says women are at maximum fertility by the ages of 20-24 (19-26).

      for god sake there are people here even saying they would totally do it if they could and the fact that these types of men say they are only or mostly attracted to underage girls of that group PROBABLy says they need help. because if we are going to justify it because they probably reached puberty, then we'd justify 7 or 8 year old who reached puberty.

      whether you like to believe it or not, the age difference between someone who is 13 is VERY different than of 18. but 23 and 28? not so much.

      why do you think they call it adolescent years? because we as human beings don't just become ready once we are born. and don't say well women back then were married by the blah blah blah, back then slavery was also ok.

      women here were sharing their first harassment stories and soem of them it happened to them as low as 8 YEARS OLD.

      honestly it's so disgusting seeing men here saying they wouldn't miss the chance if they could with a minor. man if they do really mean it, I hope they do see "how to catch a predetor"

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  • Red4

    I'm 19 and feel the same way. It's more understandable since I'm only 19 but I feel as though it'll perpetuate beyond 30.

    I have a feeling you're right. I think it's more common than most think.

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  • Ronin-San

    bitches need to stop tripping on this poor guy. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to a female after they hit puberty. Thats when they start becoming attractive to the male sex period.

    And with the way growth hormones are being pumped into a lot of the meat we eat these days it not even abnormal to see girls hitting puberty as young as 12 years of age.

    I'm not saying go get with a 12 year old mind you, I'm just saying that after puberty thats when the body starts to develop and become sexually attractive regardless of age that it happens and its normal.

    Fuck off anyone who disagrees.

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  • Anon-user

    It varys amoung societies. Some societies the girls are married as
    young as 9! They probably find it odd to merry and old woman
    of 14! Men that can admit it, are attracted to young girls of child
    bearing age and younger. It's in our genes.

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  • Troy

    Ya it's normal

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  • saix

    13-15 is my sweet spot. i'm 30 and think its normal. those who only ike em 18 and up are limiting themselves. that limiting is just stupid! i'm proud to like em young!

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  • therealallpro

    It is soooo totally normal. In European culture this kinda thing is no big deal. Age of consent in Italy is 14 and Spain it's 13. Besides Men have evolved to have sexual preference for nubility. As long as she is post-pubescent your good. (Breast are a good sign)...and to all the uninformed mugs Pedophile is a specific term look it up. What he is promoting is Ephebophilia, which is the love of ephebes

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  • cherryade

    It's normal, i think 14 year old girls are beautiful & most of them can pass as older young ladies very easily, so might who u approach out there

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  • Thetruthis

    I'm a woman. When I was young I was raped and molested. But by 14 I was having sex with older me from 20's to 40's. I knew what I was doing. Clear minded!!!

    Now in my 20's I look a young girl and I think they are Hot! 14-17. But I would not mess with them. (17+ maybe) They know what they are doing and you can tell the difference in the ones that don't.

    Sometimes I fantasize about young girls fucking older guys and I think its hot. So I know guys do for sure. But anting on it or seing it... I shouldn't happen.

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  • yayyay

    I keep gettin older but they stay the same age hahaha

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  • koolerwithak

    Ephebophilia, actually. 14+ are sexually mature.

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  • sirraplease

    Hay, he said "attracted" not in to have sex with them... Young girls are attractive, look at greek and roman paintings ang sculptures, most are of young girls.

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    Who let pedobear get an iPhone.

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    • BoredGuy

      I was about to say this!! Muahahaha

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  • Kingjeff1248

    I'm kinda in the same boat but I like them a lot younger. I'm 31 and I'm attracted to girl between 5 and 15. The real sweet spot is from age 7 to 11 the things there body goes through in this age range is so hot.

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  • familyguy63

    Fuck all these liars! If they saw my girlfriend's little 11 yr old daughter,they would cum in their pants! She is sitting on my lap right now! I'm running my hands up her little tummy and now I'm squeezing her tiny titties!

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  • adamadman

    i'll admit it, i'm a paedophile, but as long as they don't act upon it, it's fine isn't it? and i don't think 14 is that bad. i mean, one of my mates had a boyfriend 8 years older than her when she was 13(he was 21) yet they both knew what they were doing, and were happy doing so, i've forgot where that point was meant to take me, but yeh, an example of older and younger having a sexual relationship together and it working, and not some idiots thinking that he should be locked up

    in conclusion, i think that it's normal, and you shouldn't be locked up. unless you rape someone, but that's different ;P

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  • Robert1120

    Wasn't it like up until the early 1900's that if a girl wasn't married by time she was 15 she was called an "old maid"? They also married guys who were 15 years or so their elder.

    It's interesting how when society changes it's view and decideds that something is wrong, or even right. Anyone who expresses inner feelings of what was the norm for centuries, they are labeled perverts, pedophiles or whatever name they choose.

    Remember, it wasn't all that long ago that interracial relationships or being gay could easily result in someone being hung, stoned or executed in a violent way.

    What's next?????

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    • Pseodonihm

      Well put.

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  • Limeyank

    It's perfectly normal, remember this is the age where you most likely became sexually active and interested in relationships. We never really snap out of it. It's only not normal (and illegal/immoral) if you act on it. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for your thoughts ... But if you act on them be prepared that a Dad like me is going to bury you in a shallow grave 20-30 miles outside of town.

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  • importedgoods

    Well obviously it's not legal but umm girls start becoming women like getting there periods n shit soo.... I think it's normal just according to society it's wrong. Cuz 14 Is a Lil young to make informed decisions about sex.

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  • aaa75446

    ---OP--- By the way I didn't talk about having a relationship with a young girl: I am aware that even a 5 year difference in a couple can be enought not to understand each other. I was referring to an esthetical view only. Beside I know at least one very sexy 50 year old woman. Anyway, it seem 1 guy out of 3 think like me ;)

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  • Scrat

    It depends on your perspective

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  • Plutonium

    You are normal. Hypocrites or gays would say otherwise though. Just because the system tells you something is wrong doesn't mean it's true. Look at teens/preteens sexy youtube videos (shown in underwears or sexy outfits) and see the view numbers and comment sections. Tens of millions of views they get and they all tell how they jerked off on it. The norm so, you are normal.

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    • shakingandcryingrn

      no, no it's not. you're just creepy af

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  • iireptyuo

    if how to catch a predator comes back on, I think they should visit this site, they'll have good insight :)

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  • funontherun

    It is a beautiful thing to share your love with another person in a gentle, caring manner.

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    • Pseodonihm


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  • becky7486

    You need stick with legal...

    As in they must be at least 18...

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  • wibble

    female animals are attracted to the arbitrary sexually-selected traits of their species (which usually/always indirectly indicate survival fitness, by way of either
    risk-taking behavior or conspicuous consumption usually)

    male animals are attracted to signs of fertility:
    youth, health, scent, and (especially in humans) looks.

    you're normal.

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  • BeeAgent

    at 16 yes, at 30 no!

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  • All you people saying he should go to jail, it's bot like the itle is "I like raping young girls" or something. He has never acted

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  • ToriGaelle

    Not good... Keep it a fantasy at least and go for 18 year old who look petite

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  • sparrowfeed

    well, personally i looked like a small, short boy at 14.. so i don't know what is attractive about that. but nowadays 14 year old girls look like they're 25..

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  • x6tence

    haha proud pedo \m/

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  • drewdog44

    Uhh isn't that illegal

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  • no, that's weird, don't act on it :P and I don't see why you would go as low as fourteen, as you can tell, we're pretty immature.

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  • no

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  • whitneykingery

    I think they r prettier and I'm a woman. I'm not gay but I think the younger u r the prettier u r! But don't go after a kid man. That ain't right.

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  • grumpybarbie

    Normal to think about it perhaps, wrong to act on it! Keep a level head or, wrap your head around orange jump suits, and dudes named Bubba!

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  • Mel

    Its normal, esp since younger girls these days dress & look like theyre what used to be the normal 18. NOT normal to be obssessed or act on it. Pedophila!

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  • AwlxalnTzapzaz

    it seems just wrong to make your main preference based on aged, and double wrong for making it such a young age. I hope you're not truly making it your main preference though...

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  • Ya.....totally normal. I'm only 13 and I think my one male teacher looks at me all the time. He's like 30 too. I'm not evenvthat pretty too....

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  • matches

    i think you should be attracted to females of at least 18 years old or older your age would be perfect if you act on what your penis is telling you you will be a pedo and will go to jail just be careful ok

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  • caroLION

    Keep it to yourself pal

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  • Drea

    This is not normal. It is weird that you just focus on one age range... When we are attracted to people, we are attracted by how they look, but it seems you are more focused on the age. Saying girls usually 14-19 are more attractive is vague. At thirty years old, being with someone that age is illegal, immoral, and it would not make sense because you are in different stages in your life.

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    • UnderDogg


      "Vigo Vigo Vigo, you have been a bad monkey!"

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  • wish-i-wasn't-normal

    ummmm, i'm 20 and i think it's bad if i find a girl under 17 attractive.
    and the age gap shouldn't be more than 10 year.
    any one that is old enough to be your parent or young enough to be your child or even worse your grand child is a big no no.

    14-17 are girls, not old enough to be considered women!

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  • xnicki17x


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  • stealinsugars

    Maybe you can find a mate or two in prison who will share your feelings.

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  • Pedo

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  • sinisin

    14?!?! I agree with 17-21 but freaking 14?!? They still look like little boys! Young women are the bomb. But leave the kids alone bro.

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  • owlly

    14 yr olds and your 30? u should be locked up u sick werewolf freak!!

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  • bleach_baby

    Ok, I'm not judging you here, but what you are saying is, is it normal to be a paedophile?

    No. No it is not normal to be a paedophile. Don't be misled by other guys commenting in support of you, the type of guys who will comment on a post like this are invariably the ones who empathise, it is NOT an accurate portrayal of men in general. Men who are attracted to young girls, as you describe, are normally sexually underconfident or inexperienced. My advice to you would be a) Keep this to yourself obviously :P and b) Don't ever act on these urges for christsake!

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  • Listen

    Maybe your simply a pedophile

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    • openandeasy25

      youre an idiot. pedophilia is attracted to children "pre pubescent" so 10-11 or younger. hes talking young teens which is normail

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      • Listen

        That comment was 10 years ago. I learned soon after that you're right! And I've also learned the rest of the world still abide by my old logic and label pedophile to anything under 18 contrary to the definition.

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  • meganlynn87

    14 is kinda to young. You really should try not to look at the babies

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  • BOYracer88

    theres a place in the world for you, man-prison

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  • shakingandcryingrn

    no it's not normal to be a pedophile. and some of you people saying "yeah its fine" are fucking disgusting. get a life

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  • UNiOtter

    It is actually a condition called "Ephebophilia" which is the the primary or exclusive adult interest in mid to late adolescents, ages 15-19. thats per Wikipedia which got their info from other medical sources. But is it normal? In today's society it's not considered normal and growing up it wasn't. I didn't think that it was normal growing up but, as I do research I find that it is more common than we like to believe or that we knew.

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  • Mersaphe


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  • pay2play

    Stay away from jail bait young pussy is nice bit I like to pay for it tight pussy little firm titise and smooth skin orientals are the best at it. They are born to fuck for cash

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  • BoredGuy

    17 to 24 do it for me

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  • On it, it's just his personality.

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  • NiceGuyJer

    Haha. I'm 36 now but I usually sleep with 19 y/o's

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  • slurpeesOWN

    Kinda creepy
    Most of the young girls dress like fucking sluts now I mean it's sorta hot but sad too

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  • JuliusE

    Er messed that up: a guy her own age, let alone an older guy*

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  • JuliusE

    LimeYank is 100% right. IMO biology tells us to be attracted to youth and the age when you become sexually active plays a role but there are reasons society has set rules on this and has come up with an arbitrary age, there needs to be one. And 18 is a good age. Think about being a father. I would never let an older guy let alone a guy her same age mess with my daughter like that. As long as you don't act on it you'll be fine. Acting on it would be wrong no questions asked tho, remember that

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  • yea they are atractive at that age but I wouldnt suggest going for a 14 year old or you will go to jail

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  • UserFriendlyDrug

    It's normal to fantasize, but if you act on them you might accidentally get the authorities involved.

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  • because most young girls act like they are already mature these days i think thats why old guys are attracted to them but still 14 is too young. I guess 16 is quite okay?

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  • Im 12, so any girl thats hot is good wit me!

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  • lovebugg22

    Hmmm I think that that's hot but just don't act on it;) that'd be BAD! I like men that are way older but it's only thoughttttt...;)

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  • Beccabooxxo

    Ever read Lolita? (;

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  • Najwa

    Look for compatibility, don't concentrate on her age. The allure of her age won't last long, u'll only confuse her, she's too young to handle older men, you should know this.

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  • boogersforfree

    By the way, you're a complete piece if shit!

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    • openandeasy25

      dont judge asshole

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  • boogersforfree

    No, that's really fucked up! Why don't you look for women your own age? There's a h

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  • You sick pedofile.

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  • Pedobear...

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  • bazwell

    hmm...perhaps it can be argued that it is somewhat normal for adults of all ages to be attracted to 14-17 year old girls, but like grumpybarbie suggests, that's where it should begin and end. Proceeding beyond that point would be a bad idea.

    So, is this sexual attraction or a consummate attraction that includes all the aspects of these individual's lives? Things like their personality, their interests, their moods, their intellectual and reasoning level etc. What specifically are you attracted to about these 14-17 year olds?

    If it is purely sexual, then I would caution you to stay within the bounds of the law, if it is beyond that, then I'd say you should see a professional or at the least do some major reflection about what it is about naive, more vulnerable, sexually inexperienced girls that's so desirable to you.

    best of luck to you!

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