Is it normal to be attracted to preteen girls?

I am 17 and when I was 8 I almost had sex with my godfathers daughter. I didnt penatrate her but ever since Ive had a attraction to preteen girls. I have a girl freind, who is a hand full but I love her to death. We have a normal relationship: long talks on the telephone, walks and really enjoyable, safe, sex. But whenever Im online I go to russian hosted immage boards and masturbate to nude underage girls.

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84% Normal
Based on 934 votes (784 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • go4it

    Natures a funny thing and preteen girls are just nature at it's finest just doing it's thing.
    Accept we're not suppose to notice that these days.
    Older women notice young boys all the time , it's just camouflaged under ' oh isn't he so hansom " How many times have you heard that and if you open your eyes she will stare at him too - a lot ! It's much the same thing , who knows what she really thinks about on her own later, we just don't expect that so we don't notice it.
    Or another example , my sister inlaw had a baby boy. He's first trip to Grans and I was the only male there , 8 females . When she changed his nappy all 8 of them went rushing over to watch - one guess as to what they really wanted to see even on a baby .
    Girls will be girls and boys will be boys.

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  • SlutAliciaMcneal

    Go to and read!

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    • asdfghjklkjhgfdsa

      That site is SICK. YOU SICK PERVERT

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  • jessicia16

    I think its probably a normal part of nature .. just like masterbating , even if many people wont admit it ... but weather its normal or not makes little diference, since its not socially accepted in most modern cultures... and if your american then you can get in big trouble.... I lived in japan for 2 years and Its very normal there to see a man in his 40's or 50's reading porn of young girls even on the subway ... so im sure all races have the same human nature , even if their social and moral beliefes are diferent.

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  • familyguy63

    It's ok to look,but that's all

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  • mypotpie

    I truly do not think it is immoral, I mean if your having puberty @ 12 then, doesn't that mean sex, obviously the laws are all fucked up, and we should go back to the medieval days where a 30 yr. Old king would marry a preteen girl...

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    • ejccalifornia

      That's kind of how my fantasy planet is except it's still developing and is not official but the ages are accepted.

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  • funny_thoughts917

    Hey...I posted a similar post and ally comments called me a sick pervy pedo I am attracted to younger females and I can't help it but I will never hurt an innocent child I love children and want my own someday

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    • ejccalifornia

      I love children too. I too am also attracted to young females and would never hurt one. I fantasize about them though and that's ok. As for my future kids, I wouldn't want to think about fantasizing over them because they are my kids which I love as a father. I think being a pedophile will make me very close to my kids but not in a sexual way, but in a fatherly way to hug them or sit down with them or even feeling their hair if females which is nothing sexual at all, I just like soft hair and youthful hair is super soft which makes me smile but again not in a sexual way, but in a way that children just make me smile because I like to see them happy. If I see an abusive mother or father then I get sad and wish I could be that child's hero or someone they look up to.

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      • Atussa

        As long as you don't act on these thoughts, you're not a bad person. For your own sake and for the sake of innocent children whose bodies no one as the right to use for their own pleasure, it would be best to talk to someone professional so you can get to the root of why you feel this and you can move on with your life and be happy.

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  • abititio

    It is not normal however it is not necessary immoral on the merits of classic philosophers like Kant. I would suggest you do not look at these images too long cause you will develop a desire for them past a general curiosity.

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  • angelsspike

    Stop that isn't heathy or normal. It's sick. Watch hard candy. Good movie.

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    • Duckman984

      What is so wrong about it, and what is wrong with it not being normal? Oh NOES! Society says it's not normal, thus it must be wrong! Please, people, think for your goddamn selves.

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      • ejccalifornia

        You have the right to say whatever you want, but please don't use the "goddamn" because Christianity is my faith and God is my heavenly father. I am a pedophile like you, but I love my heavenly father who made me and but me (my soul) into this body. Other than that, use any words you wish but please I ask can you not use a god in your cussing? Other than that, I completely agree with what you say about society and what normal is. The truth is that normal is not normal. What is normal if the USA chose 16-18 as sexual age of consent and many places in Mexico chose 12-18 as sexual age of consent? What about in some countries where they don't have a sexual age of consent so a 30-40 year old man could have sex with a 9 or 10 year old girl as long as he's married to her. I am not against my country America but it is not the best country just because it's free. I don't know about you but it seems that America's freedom is getting lower than in the past when more people cared about each other and pedophiles weren't pedophiles because 11 year olds got married in America's past history and it was considered ok so tell me what's normal? 18 is not the best age for adulthood, I'll tell you that and it's not just my opinion, it's a fact.

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  • hlrgrl

    It may be 'normal' to have attraction for underage children but it is harmful in several ways: children are innocent and no one has the right to damage that innocence, even if the child seems to be acting in a seductive way...that is relative to each person. The laws may seem like bull but a line has to be created, an 'age of consent' is there to protect everybody: an underage child is not considered able to give true 'consent'. This may seem arbitrary but science shows us the 'good judgement' part of our brains is not even fully developed until our early or mid-20s. Looking at porn of any kind has also been proven to alter the way our brains work; it damages the capacity to relate to a regular person in an ordinary setting. This causes pain for everyone. Someone may want a good relationship with you but it is derailed by your brain being altered from porm. Sad for everybody.

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  • Atussa

    As long as you don't act on these thoughts, you're not a bad person. For your own sake and for the sake of innocent children whose bodies no one as the right to use for their own pleasure, it would be best to talk to someone professional so you can get to the root of why you feel this and you can move on with your life and be happy.

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  • awesome123

    Not cool bro

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  • Laysboy

    I really think that I should report all of these sick individuals to the FBI. So there.

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