Is it normal to be attracted to someone after dreaming about them?

Is it normal to dream about having sex with someone you had no prior desire for then waking up to want them insanely hard for several days after, then it fading away again?

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95% Normal
Based on 42 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • 09876543210

    This is probably normal, I had a wet dream about the same-sex who was staring at me, I was like 13 or something. I felt attracted to her later on, but still hated her for some reason.

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  • mysistersshadow

    I guess it could happen tho I've never had that happen.

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  • MauriceLikesChicks1015

    This may sound a bit too weird or strange but I've liked a couple girls in my grade and I've jerked off before dreaming of being with one of them in the future by having sex and wearing superhero costumes while going to comic con in the future. I find it a bit cute when they do those kinds of things. ;)

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