Is it normal to be black and hate the use of the n word?

I hate that black people say nigga to each other ( im also black) and then get mad at white people that say it when most think/say that nigga and nigg*r are different words completely. If they are different words completely i feel like everyone should be able to say it without fear of harassment or violent reactions (unless if used in a violent intentionally offensive manner). I also feel like nigga is to nigger as massa is to master (the connection is the the er makes and "a" sound.) and that nobody should say it at all, anyone who knows anything about the history of slavery (i feel) should know that that is just plain ignorant shit. It should be completely open to all or completely shut to all because if its not open to all that makes it kind of racist. is it normal that i hate the misuse and abuse of the word?

no, only blacks should say it. 7
no, white people cant say it unless we agree on it 2
yes nobody should be able to say it 12
yes everybody should be able to say it 24
nobody should say this word 26
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Comments ( 14 )
  • anti-hero

    It's a fucking word. Anyone who wants to use it should be allowed to use it. You can't tell people what to say. That being said, anyone who decides to do so must do so at their own risk.

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  • SkullsNBones

    Normal, I'm white and I feel uncomfortable when people say the n word, even if they're black themselves.

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    • User-name

      I've never said it but I think it constantly. Race doesn't come into account ubless someone is acting like a borderline animal and I gotta call em a nigger. (I'm black but cares not for the use of a stupid word that should belong to Mexican culture anyway).

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  • aerithstrife

    I think people conveniently forget how powerful a word can be. I'm not black, so my opinion isn't really that important, but I do know that people can't just ignore the horrendously negative connotations the word has.

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  • Swan_Theif9854

    As a white person I find it to be confusing. Either all can say it or nobody can say it. The word in itself gives us a pitty excuse to still be separate as people. It's like Huey says on the Boondocks, "When is the right time? Where is the right place to use it? And who gets to decide?" So long as there stays a reason to be sucluded from the rest, segregation remains. Even hanging by a mere word, it lingers.

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  • randomperson1000000

    of course it's normal. it's called not being a hypocrite

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  • Demundo

    There are only three possibilities:
    1.Encourage everybody to use every racist word as much as possible, which might let some steam off some peoples heads and might make racist words less powerful;
    2.Ban every racist word, which is impossible without immense policing effort and would make everybody feel as if they were walking on broken glass;
    3.Do nothing.
    Perosnally I would prefer option 1, so we can all move on from the whole racism issue.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Normal. I don't think it should be acceptable for anyone to use the word.

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  • sandys213

    I don't think anyone should say that word. It should be erased from the English vocabulary

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  • Intension

    it's 2013, racism is falling a lot more into the comedic category and should only be taking lightly unless in an extreme circumstance.

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    • Verity

      Comedic? Trayvon Martin!

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  • JW18xx

    I'm mixed race , i don't take massive offense at the word , but i think people should avoid using it , just like they should avoid using other words against people that would hurt them, white people have words that shouldn't be used against them either. i hate black people saying it ,it was a negative word that symbolized a period of slavery , i don't agree with people who think because your black you should use it but then are offended if i white person or any other race uses it, that's ridiculous so easier not to say it .

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  • PureLikeSnow

    Anyone can choose to say it, even though the repercussions can make you seem racist.

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  • davesumba

    Never will I understand why people take such offense to something as trivial as a word. I just want to scream at the top of my lungs
    FU** N****** sometimes because of the bullshit that victim-complex black people attach to a word.

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