Is it normal to be bored during the summer?

Yes I'm always bored during the summer! 160
Uhh I guess? I'm bored occasionally. 65
I'm not bored when it starts, but after a while there's nothing to do. 126
Bored? In the summer?? Haha no, not at all! I'm always keeping busy. 50
I usually don't get bored, but there are usually days here and there. 66
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Comments ( 10 )
  • thatguyyouknow

    Wow I thought I was the only one who gets bored in the summer. @tygeronherbed, I'm going through the same thing. Except I live w/ my grandma instead of my parents. I told her I was spending the night at a friend's house the other day and she wanted to know if their parents would be there! And all my college friends have jobs or live hundreds of miles away. I'm counting down the days until the fall semester starts (exactly 45 days left).

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  • regisphilbin

    yes haha this is pretty normal, psychology of the wandering and idle mind and whatnot

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  • Ryan556

    I'm board at the morning and night cause my gf roommate hates noise past 10:00 am and pm I don't go to bed till 12:00 am and wake up at 8:00am

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  • UrbanArtLover

    Of course it's normal. Just don't take the summer for granted because the rest of the year is school. Indulge yourself!!! :D

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  • mrnias828

    summer's all about expectation. It's best right before summer and right when it begins. But then when you have nothing further to look forward to and no direction, you get bored. Boredom sucks. Key is, when you're expecting summer, make a list of things you want to do, then refer back to it when you're bored.

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  • animalcracker

    I prefer being busy, than being bored. Because most of the time im bored...

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  • I'm not usually bored in the beginning because of a huge music festival that goes on here, but after that it gets dull.

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  • hotchickie81

    OMG I wish I had time to be bored!! But I work like 50+ hours a week, and I own a house, so there's ALWAYS something that needs to be done!!!

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  • russellnb

    If you are bored inthe summer it is probably because you lack imagination. There is so much to do.

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  • tygeronherbed

    everyday of this summer has been hell.
    im so bored.
    my college friends are all scattered across the country.
    my parents think they can boss me around even though im 19 and have been living in NY for almost a year, they still think they can give me a curfew and make me do chores. not to mention, my boyfriend is across the country so i miss him all the time. and i dont even have a computer of my own anymore and my parents wont even get me one just because i dont have a job.

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