Is it normal to be christian atheist?
Is it normal to be christian atheist, while your friends know about it and your family doesn't (only because my mom is religious and I know she'd kick my ass)?
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Is it normal to be christian atheist, while your friends know about it and your family doesn't (only because my mom is religious and I know she'd kick my ass)?
Sorry. As one of the old timers, I believe in being a gentleman; ladies first, may I open the door for you mam?, and best of all; your woman is ALWAYS right (at least, let her believe she's right).
Next time I'll let you go first.
Hahaha... My Colombian mother always says of herself, "I can never be wrong." But, I know better. My dad on the other hand has two college degrees, is ex Special Forces, Psychological Operations and a retired Lieutenant Colonel and he says, "I'm just waiting for your mother to tell me what to do."
People, do you even know what means to be a Christian atheist? (._.)
''Christian atheism is a theological position in which the belief in the God of Christianity is rejected or absent but the moral teachings of Jesus are followed.'' (from Wikipedia)
They should really call it Jesuian-Atheism or something similar. To use the word Christian is to indicate the idea that Jesus is Christ.
Anyway it's not normal and the reason you know it's not normal is that there are still plenty of people don't know what it is.
Atheism is the belief that there is no deities. So how do you have a Christian who believes in god who also does not believe in god?
I think it's a lack of information. A lot of people identify as agnostic but seem to believe that it signifies someone who's on the fence or has a belief in 'some' form of higher intelligence. Technically, Christians are atheists regarding other gods.
For those not familiar with the terms:
Agnostic: Someone who does not know if a god or gods exist.
Atheist: Someone who does not believe in a god or gods.
These different terms are not mutually exclusive and describe different things. I am an agnostic atheist, i don't believe in any gods, and I don't don't know if any exist.
I don't think that is as contradictory as some people here are saying.
You can identify as a Christian culturally; you might go to church for the feeling of social connection, or you might embrace the spirit of Jesus' teachings even if you don't believe the Bible to be the word of God. That might be cause enough for you to identify as Christian. You can feel that way and still be an atheist in terms of your beliefs about a god. That isn't an oxymoron, that isn't contradictory. I think it's normal. I know several people personally who have these feelings.
Yes, it is normal. Not very common, but perfectly rational. Christianity is so much more than a minor myth about God. Many Christians would argue that God is a fundamental part of Christianity, but no Christian takes the entire Bible literally. The majority of people who think you can't be Christian without believing in God do not truly understand the deeper meanings of the religion, and are usually very Christian, or atheist.
If it is possible to be a Jewish-Atheist than it is certainly possible to be a Christian-Atheist.
Religion is subjective.
No there is no such thing. Christians believe in god in one shape or another. Atheists do not believe in god. Why not look up what an atheist is. Also simply accompanying someone to church does not make you part of said religion. If a Catholic invites a Christian to church are they automatically CATHOLIC? No they are not. Do you really need to be asking bull shit questions like this? Here I will post it. If you don't believe what they are preaching you are simply going.
Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.[1][2] In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.[3][4][5] Most inclusively, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist.[4][5][6][7] Atheism is contrasted with theism,[8][9] which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists.[9][10]
The way you worded it doesn't make sense, because Christian and atheist are opposites. But if you meant you were raised Christian but you're now atheist, that makes sense. And even though I disagree with your beliefs, it is normal.
I have no problems with (most of what) Jesus said, but I think religion is shite. And I don't believe in god. But would not label myself as a Christian.
Therefore I agree with you as far as I can tell from your post.