Is it normal to be completely confused about religion?

I am a muslim who believes in God. Although most of the times, after seeing conservative arabs, and terrorists, and suicide bombers, I start to reconsider. I would prefer not to be Atheist but to have my own relationship with God, one in which I praise him, and in return I feel safe under his protection. I know that it sounds ridiculous, but I'm sure that someone else out there feels the same... Thoughts?

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85% Normal
Based on 52 votes (44 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • dbwm

    There are always going to be people who take the words of a religious text literally or take things out of context. You said it yourself, you believe in God. You shouldn't have to prove anything to others. You seem to have an understanding of right and wrong so be true to those morals you already are aware of. I'm guessing you already know the answers to your questions and are just seeking confirmation.

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  • dunder8mifflin

    The way I always saw it was that people who followed religions did so blindly. First of all I would like to say that if you are to truly find God then you must not judge a so called religion by the people who follow them. Instead I would look at their teachings and pray to the true God and ask for discernment during your journey. As you look at the teachings of each religion the true God will let you know in your heart if it is where you need to be. Do not follow anything blindly the true God of the heavens and the earth did not give you a brain to simply follow any given direction. When you find the true way of God you will know. It is as simple as knowing that it is wrong to kill a baby. No one needs to tell you that its wrong you just know it in your mind, spirit, and soul.

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  • asdf90091

    It's not the least bit ridiculous. I recently wrote a research paper about this exact same thing. Good for you for having the courage to question your beliefs!

    You don't have to be a religious extremist (conservative, fundamentalist, terrorist, or whatever term you wish to place here) to have a relationship with God. You don't have to agreee with everything the Koran (sorry if I spelled it wrong), Bible, or any other religious book says to have a relationship with God either. Most of these books promote wisdom, and open-mindedness/tolerance is wisdom in and of itself. God created you, He understands :]

    Being raised in an extremely conservative and intolerant Christian family, I went through pretty much the exact same thing. Don't be afraid to question your beliefs, and don't be afraid hold onto your opinions even if they don't match what you were taught to believe.

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  • It is a little confusing but never associate your religion with what other people of the same religion do. I am still confused about my religion because my parents have completely different ones but let me do whatever. It's normal:)

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    • BeirutsFinest

      It's not like my parents are conservative or anything, but it's just that I've always been raised believing in God, but suddenly I think that a lot of stuff religions teach is completely bogus. What do you think about the private relationship with God though?

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  • pixie_dust

    I dont think god cares what religion u are, but what is in ur heart. bcuz u dont choose what faith u r taught. just think, if u were god, would u judge someone for believing what since childhood what they were taught?

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  • Samya

    Just read the Quran
    All ur answers will be there inshallah believe me it's all clear ,keep a open mind

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  • funnymoments

    If you really believe in God you will never be confused about your religion( Islam) what is happening in contries about the war and stuff has nothing to do with Islam it's about the people's thoughts

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  • littlepanda

    I feel the same. I think that muslim people destroyed the real values of Islam.. I still believe in God, but not in the religions.

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  • Muleina

    Myeah. I feel the same. But the problem is not with us, it is with these terrorists.

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  • alexrobyyy

    Terrorists aren't really Muslims because committing suicide in Islam is way against my religion. A MASSIVE SIN!!

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  • piranha

    Arabs are not islam , terror is not islam , suicide is not islam , read and learn more from islam from the right book , not the people

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  • Anabelle

    I think that religion should be more personal then some people make it out to be. Create you own relationship with God, you dont have to tell anyone anything. Spirituality is personal

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  • Eore

    Religion poisons everything.
    " in which I praise him, and in return I feel safe under his protection." What a great sentence to describe the Master-Slave relationship. Sadomasochism anyone?

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    • BeirutsFinest

      you don't have to be such a douche about it... I hate people who even think about the Master-Slave Relationship, because honestly, God is a higher power, but I don't believe that we are slaves... and really, Sadomasochism?...

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