Is it normal to be completely terrified of balloons?

I really can't stand blown up balloons i just have a conditional fear around them. I'm mainly afraid of them popping even though i have no problem with loud noises, i'm fine with someone firing a gun or fireworks going off or someone screaming at the top of their lungs but i just can't stand being around a blown up balloon. However i don't have this problem with photos of balloons or most foil balloons just normal balloons.

I have to leave the room when someone has a balloon, i hate going to parties where there are balloons and i'll refuse to blow up a balloon myself.

It's nothing that's life ruining but it is very annoying. Do any of you guys have this problem?

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32% Normal
Based on 81 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • thegypsysailor

    You should be very afraid of balloons. It is a little known fact that balloons kill thousands of people every year. When they pop, they wiggle down people's throats and choke them to death. Other times when they pop, they make a bee line for an eye, blinding thousands more, each year. Just last week 4 children at a balloon filled birthday party died from balloon attacks, in your town. I always carry a blow torch as a defense against balloons; burn the damn things, I say, burn them all.

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  • Jeaneathean

    Just put 'balloons' into the search bar above to see how normal this is.....

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  • Camerican

    I dated a guy that was afraid of balloons popping. He wouldn't be in the same room with balloons because he didn't want them to pop. I don't think that's weird because they're startling when they pop.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I remember when I was a kid, my cousins and I would play this stupid game where we would pop the balloons by sitting on them. I also used to tie balloons to my dog and watch her try to get them.

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  • gummy_jr

    I don't like it when they pop

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  • Aliceee93

    Balloons are awesome! Specially as a kid, we used to play that game don't let it touch the floor.
    Also helium balloons can be fun :P

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  • RoseIsabella

    I know this is off topic but your post reminded me of an old friend who used to bring firecrackers to school and use em for pranks.

    *sighs deeply as a single tear rolls down her cheek*
    Those were the days...good times.

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    • RoseIsabella

      P.S. It would make more sense to be afraid of baboons rather than baloons. What's a balloon going to do pop, and startle you? A baboon one other hand...

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