Is it normal to be completly disgusted by clusters of holes?

Ok so like ever since I can remember I always found things with clusters of holes so disgusting. Like bee hives and cheese that has holes in it. Just small holes that are close together gross me out. . I typed in 'fear of holes' on google and literally almost puked from disgust when I went on images. There were like photoshopped pictures of holes clustered together on peoples faces and arms and eye balls. It was soo nasty! I get goosebumps every time I see stuff like that. My friends make fun of me for it and I feel like a idiot for being scared and grossed out by such a weird thing. Am I the only one who is scared and freaked out by it?

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Comments ( 14 )
  • dom180

    Now you mention it, those pictures when you search "fear of holes" are very... bizarre. I can understand why you would find them disgusting.

    My dad has a fear of forks with long tines. You're normal compared to him.

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  • imadragon

    My boyfriend has this, it's called trypophobia.

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  • thegypsysailor

    It's a good thing holes don't cluster everywhere. I guess since clusters of holes are pretty rare you could just avoid them, rather than searching for them on Google, this should not be a particularly debilitating phobia.
    Just stay away from where ever it is that holes cluster. Simple.

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  • kathleenv

    I am completely disgusted by clusters of holes and even hearing the words "clusters of holes" makes me cringe. I want to take a knife and stab them. I get so grossed out and weird and after typing in fear of holes on google I want to just lay down and cry. I believe it's called trypophobia. I may be a bit dramatic but I can honestly say I have never felt more disgusted when looking at clusters of holes.

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  • Sodium4

    you have trypophobia.

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  • JadedUnknown

    I wasn't afraid of it, but now that I think of it... it does look pretty... disturbing...

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  • I've heard this is a common phobia. I wonder if it's caused by anxiety over what could be in the hole?

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  • iheartu2013

    Even thinking about it actually grossed me out and freaked me out!

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  • iheartu2013

    It freaks me too. It's gross! So weird!

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  • derenaro

    Oh my god clusters are the only thing that super disgusts me!! I always tell my friends but they don't get it! I'm so happy I ran across this question! Hahaha. I hate it so much.

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  • nosid

    I've got this. my least favourite is when you cook pineapple water evaporates for certain bits and levees all these holes.

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  • Thexoutcast

    I have this

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  • Avant-Garde

    I have a nauseating phobia of clustered holes but mainly if these holes have curvy crusts that are dark in colour and outline the holes.

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  • squirrelgirl

    I went through a phase where I was similarly disgusted/creeped out by clusters of not holes, but bumps. It stemmed from having a bad case of chicken pox at the age of 11. I eventually got over it.

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