Is it normal to be creeped out by monkeys?
Monkeys fall right in the uncanny valley for me. I'm not terrified of them but some primates look just enough Human to make me unsettled.
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Monkeys fall right in the uncanny valley for me. I'm not terrified of them but some primates look just enough Human to make me unsettled.
Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle?
There are too many cheetahs around.
When I saw the title of this, I immediately thought "uncanny valley".
I suspect some people also find primates unsettling because looking at them highlights the fact that we also are primates, and some people are heavily invested in believing that they are not an animal, but something more Godly or at least fundamentally different and superior.
I guess it's sort of like how a man who's heavily invested in believing that men are inherently superior to women gets very uncomfortable when confronted with a woman who's obviously better than him in some way.
Any mammal that picks up its poo and throws it is hilarious and alright w me