Is it normal to be creeped out by the itsy bisty spider?
Yes, I mean the song. I am terrified of spiders and the song creeps me out.
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Yes, I mean the song. I am terrified of spiders and the song creeps me out.
I must be the bizarro version of you because thats my favourite nursery rhyme and I love spiders.
Aww, the sweet darling was just trying to climb up the water spout til that darn rain washed it out. But fear not, after the sun came out and dried up all the rain, the lovely little spider climbed up the spout again.
Spiders are magnificent creatures. I miss my tarantula :( may she have all the crickets her little heart desires in the big web up in the sky.
Mighty cool. I've always thought of getting one of those guys who has a den and hatch.
They are awesome. I had a Chilean rose hair for about 10 years. I always wanted one and when i saw it in the pet store for $25 i just had to get it. It's really something to watch the molting process and how it just comes off in one piece. I saved the shedded skins...For the first few days after a molt, the fangs are bright white with red tips then they turn black. Super cool.