Is it normal to be creeped out by this?

Whenever I wake up in the middle of the night and I want to see the time I'm always so creeped out . U see, my alarm clock doesn't light up so when I want to c the time when it's dark I have to press the button at the top. The thing that creeps me out is that when I press the button, I can still see the time but then there's this weird, eery green glow that fills up my whole room. I quickly turn it off and go back to sleep. Normal? And don't give me one of those crappy answers like "that's not normal get over ur fears" or "I lol'd at this". K? ^-^

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 76 votes (54 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Zuvkovsky

    I lol'd at this

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  • assdfghjkl

    That is silly just get a different alarm clock.

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  • ghostrider6

    that's not normal get over ur fears

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  • ghostrider6

    I lol'd at this

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  • penguin1

    Just get a new alarm clock. Problem solved. Or you could try sleeping with the lights on.

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  • StarScream18

    This is perfectly normal. I wouldn't want the color red lighting up my dark room. Anyway certain things trigger certain fears.

    Completely Normal.

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  • missalina

    lmao youre scared of the green colored light thats coming from your alarm clock that you turned on?

    heres a thought, if you wakeup in the middle of the night just go back to sleep. when that thing rings in the morning you'll know what time it is.

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    • AnonymousPanda

      its scawyyy

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  • yeah its just the light nothing to worry about my phone charger does it and makes the green light

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  • hemper

    YES !!! this happens so often with my phone that i also use as an alarm clock cuz i charge it beside my bed. i think it is very similar to the lighting in those scary horror movies , quite interesting if you think about it, cuz there are shadows and everything enough light to see something but yet not enough to make out what it is

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