Is it normal to be deathly afraid of vomiting only in public

Ever since I had a bad trip on a certain recreational drug 3 years ago, I've been completely horrified of vomiting, but only in public, I have no problem doing it in private though. Being in tight quarters with other people makes me anxious about vomiting, and the anxiety itself almost makes me vomit. My worst fear is being on a bus with people all around me, I fear them judging me for vomiting. This fear has consumed my life. Any suggestions?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Austalien

    Your fear happened to me i felt great, I was high on morphine at the time a huge orange lake flowd to the front of the bus and everyone was trying not to step in my vomit ^_^

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  • hairyfairy

    I`d die before I`d let myself puke in public. I have the ability to will myself not to do it if I`m really determined not to. I always think that people will judge me & think that I`m pathetic & weak for being sick.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I have a phobia of vomiting especially in public. Many years ago before I was diagnosed with asthma, I would vomit constantly. It would happen if I was reading the car or if I was running around (often starting with intense coughing). It was so embarrassing. I remember once I was at after school and I think we were playing tag, so the process started and I vomited. Everyone crowded around me and it took forever for one of the teachers to come. After everything was cleaned up and I had recovered, no one wanted to have anything to do with me for the rest of the day:(

    I have since gotten my asthma in control and the last time I vomited was a new ago in NYC. I was embarrassed, but the people reacted well and didn't give me a hard time. I decided to just write it off as "performance art"-_-

    It's a annoying thing to have to worry about. I would suggest not eat too heavily before going out. Eat things that agree with you and remember to relax.

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