Is it normal to be different online than real life?

okay when I'm online I'm a very happy sociable person when it comes to meeting people face to face I find it very difficult to show any kind of feeling. i go very shy and always think people are judging me.

Voting Results
87% Normal
Based on 75 votes (65 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • QuitePossiblyInsane

    Sweetie, normal is a politically correct term for people who have no creativity what-so-ever. Be proud of who you are, even if no one else gets it. I learned the hard way that pretending to be something you're not -doesn't- work. On the internet, you can be anyone, anything. It's a gateway to creative expression. In real life, the same rule applies--no one can tell you who you are, and life is no contest. No one who matters is judging you. People who do are just like trolls. You ignore them, and they'll eventually go away (or you can do as I do, and smile amusedly--the frustration as they actively try to upset you is hilarious).

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  • Wuggums47

    Yes, online I actually swear a bit more often, and if I don't like someone, I'm more likely to talk to them online.

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  • JadedUnknown

    The real question is: who is anyone really?

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  • thegypsysailor

    "People look at things they like. It's a compliment."
    Or they look at oddities, freaks and really funny things; anything out of the norm.
    But honestly, most people outside your circle of friends and family don't give you a thought at all when you pass by them on the street. Like Atlantis there, they are much too self absorbed.
    The internet is anonymous; you don't have to look anybody in the eyes. You are only judged by what you put out on the web. Your image is customized by you to suit your wishes.
    Real life people will look right at you and, right or wrong, judge you by what they see. Since you can't read their minds, you have little idea of what they are thinking, so most of us (except Atlantis, of course) will usually think that others are thinking the worst about us.

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  • is the bear different when it runs in the house after the dog? of course its different it's scary in real life!

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yeah people do that.

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  • Gamzeee

    A ton of people are. I'm not but many people are.

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  • Phishy

    You're a weirdo.

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  • linchpin

    I'm a million different people from one day to the next but I can't change my mold no no no no no.

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  • Deliciousness

    Online: You usually are who you want to be because you want to get away from your real self.

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  • donosoor

    Try not to care about it, I used to be like that thinking everyone judged me but then I realized, if I be myself and someone likes me for me, they will be with me forever, but if I act someone else and someone likes me for that, I will never be truly open with them

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  • Anime7

    Through that thought away. Just be the person you are online in real life. Well really just be whoever you want to be, you might have to leave your comfort zone though.

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  • You are that way because you are very insecure and lack self confidence.
    You probably lack real world social experiences and interactions and you also probably don't love the way you look so you feel like you're under the microscope and you feel pressure.

    The best way to get over that is probably to start interacting with people more and show emotion. You're not a robot so don't act like one. Smile more, let loose and have fun.
    Stop worrying and thinking someone's judging you unless you're doing socially / morally unacceptable things.

    Also, that's why a lot of people drink or do drugs - to give them courage to face their fears.

    Not sure if the below is your problem/reason but :

    When I was younger I was very shy but it was because both girls and guys would always look at me or want to talk to me, befriend me etc. It made me feel awkward and I used to wonder why does everyone bother me... Anyway as I got older I realized hey, the girls really like me and want sex/hookup and the guys really like me and want to be friends unless they're gay then they want to hook up.

    So anyway I quickly stopped being shy because of that realization. But before that I felt like I was under the microscope being judged by everyone like I was an outcast and didn't belong. I still do get annoyed when people stare at me though (unless it's a hot girl ) because it breaks my thought process.

    When people stare and look at you it means they like you (assuming you're not doing something unacceptable or abnormal). That means they accept you so no reason to be self conscious or feel weird.

    Do think a $400,000 Lamborghini feels weird when everyone gawks at it as it drives by?

    People look at things they like. It's a compliment.


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