Is it normal to be disgusted by slutty women!

I am disgusted by slutty women. They agitate me a great deal I would never knowingly date one. Also women that defend slutty women by quoting feminist philosophy are equally frustrating. I even hold the double standard that men cannot be sluts, because for a man every woman he sleeps with is an accomplishment because it's not something most men can do( just look at how many burgins are on this site). Women can sleep with a man whenever they want. Think about it like this if a man set out to sleep with 100 women it would be very difficult but if an average looking or below average looking women set out to sleep with 100 men she could certainly do it. Oh yeah if you have slept with more men then the amount of years you have been alive then you are a slut

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Comments ( 72 )
  • ready2rumble

    I don't think a girl that openly enjoys her sexuality should be called a slut.

    If it wasn't for these fucking double standards, girls would be more prone to make a first move with the guy they like without fearing being called sluts; it would be easier for everyone to date and find a partner

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    • chewy

      Very true fuck society.

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    • justsomekidfromcanada

      It's not the women that pursue men that are called sluts. It's the ones that know how to fuck with our minds and know they can fuck with our minds but just don't give a shit. They also of course fuck a lot of guys.

      You got it twisted. A guy that does the same thing to women is just as undesirable it's just a lot harder to pull off for us so that's why other guys might look up to it. Everyone that has any perspective would still know he's an asshole though.

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  • Imsupernormal

    How much hate is in this post?

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  • ccjigsaw

    It take two to tango.

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    • Aleks85

      not really it just takes a woman and a male guided by a horny penis. Yeah, a man will hump anything given the chance. Women are supposed to be the respectable ones in that area, as is stated throughout history.

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      • PumpkinKate

        How is it that men, as given by your example, are the despicable, pathetic ones... but the women get the dirty name?

        Forgive the serial killer for murdering, it was in his nature?

        I think you don't give men enough credit.

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        • Aleks85

          I don't think I need to answer all these responses, but it's called testosterone. Yes, males are more horny than females on a regular basis. Men think about sex much of their days. When we look at a woman we think about what it would be like to fuck her.

          This is fact. Want to me to prove it? Go stand on the side of the street with a sign that says first man to pick me up gets a free blow job. You won't wait long trust me.

          A man can't do that. Maybe if he was very attractive and some ugly bitch that hasn't got any in awhile.

          Women get the dirty name because there's higher expectations on them to make men earn it. Sorry that's the way the world works.

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          • PumpkinKate

            All you're really doing is making men sound like whiny "Oohhh help, I'm a victim!" bitches here...

            I thought men were supposed to, you know, man up.

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      • ccjigsaw

        Not sure why the responsibility lies with women. If both sexes showed a little more restraint, there would certainly be less "sluttyness" I don't like the idea of sluts either, weather it be men or women, so I know where your coming from.

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      • Its_Called_Love

        My current boyfriend was VERY choosy. He didn't want just anyone...

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        • Aleks85

          Haha yeah I'm sure he told you so. Or maybe he just had a hard time getting anybody. Or maybe he got a lot and lied to you about it. Some women are so gullible.

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          • Its_Called_Love

            I've known him over 8 years, since we were kids. :P He was quite the heart breaker back then...

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Your attitude is more insulting to men than a lot of the crazy feminist banter I hear nowadays. (Im a woman, btw)

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        • Aleks85

          How is it insulting? It's really no different for humans than animals in nature. The female lions lay in wait for a strong male to come and ask her to make baby lions.

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            And female cats rub their asses on anything that moves when they're in heat. The behavior on one species has little bearing on the argument at hand, we aren't lions.

            We're most similar to dolphins and monkeys genetically, and both the males and females of those species exhibit a healthy amount of sexual behavior.

            The point is, we are rational creatures for a reason. Men have intellect just the same and if they cannot control themselves, they need to do some serious assessment. Your argument justifies rape in all kinds of circumstances if men simply cant resist.

            I feel that most men are more reasonable than that.

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            • Aleks85

              How does my attitude justify rape?

              Men are generally hornier than women, end of story, which is a direct result as to why they will fuck anybody with vagina.

              Maybe this will help you understand.


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  • joybird

    How can it be an accomplishment for men if they can easily sleep with slutty women?

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  • Ibelievethis

    I hate it when men complain about "slutty women" as I bet they don't complain at the time (if you get my meaning) People can't win this day and age they are mocked for being virgins and for being as you put it it sluts. I beleive thta people can do whatevevr thay please with their own body. x

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  • ccjigsaw

    Also, if men were more choosy, then they would be hard to get just like women. Talk about slutting around, you men just make it to easy.

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  • DannyKanes

    Wow, obvious troll post is obvious

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      The worst thing is when you see people seriously agreeing with the troll posts. This one wasnt even well disguised.

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  • PumpkinKate

    OP is obviously not getting laid at all.

    Probably ugly, and quite fat.

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    • Actually I have had a girlfriend the last year and before that since I first lost my virginity I've had no problems getting laid. The op is very sexist I will admit but the majority of men feel this way about women. Most of the rest still feel this way about slutty women but do not hold the double standard.


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      • PumpkinKate

        Nah, the majority of men have a much better head on their shoulders than that.

        You can't force the majority of the male population down to your sad level through sheer force of bigoted will or by simply typing it out.

        Also, still calling "fat" on this one.

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        • Really men like sluts pole a hundred men and ask them if they want their future partner to have had 30 + partners before them. over 70 are going to say they would never marry this woman. just because your ideas about female sexuality are so 'progressive' does not mean that men feel the same way. and no I'm not fat I'm 6"1 185 and I workout 4 or 5 times a week however this is irrelevant bringing up my weight. it is a fallacy that only the most ignorant people use. Attacking the individual and not the arguement the person is making.

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          • PumpkinKate

            "Attacking the individual"
            You can't tell a troll comment when you see it? Also, 185 is pretty fat for 6'1.

            "just because your ideas about female sexuality are so 'progressive'"
            Funny, I don't remember once telling you what my ideas about female sexuality are. You must teach me in the ways of your mind reading... *shifty glare*

            It's not a fallacy to bring up your weight. I used statistical evidence to formulate a hypothesis that we discover to be true. I am well aware of the overall accuracy of generalizations - there are tons of exceptions to a rule, but they're called so because "generally" they're true.

            Someone exhibiting a high level of anger is usually fueled by fear. It is only logical to assume that fear of women comes from lack of ability to understand them, as often we fear the unknown. Generally sexist behavior and the need to demean another usually comes from low self esteem.

            When I combine the ideas of someone with little understanding of women, and low self esteem - it's only logical to assume weight might be an issue. In general, it's more difficult for someone who is overweight to attract the opposite sex, and therefore will interact with them less (lack of understanding). The puzzle pieces ALSO fit with the low self esteem - weight often contributes to this.

            You may call it irrelevant, but - it is a firmly held psychological belief that when the response is greater than the stimulus, there is an outside factor. Your professed hatred of women is a greater response than the stimulus you had posted in your question - some of them sleep around.

            My conclusion came in this hypothesis:
            The source of the outside factor could likely be someone with low self esteem and a lack of understanding when it comes to women. An overweight person fits this profile. That would explain the inflammatory sexist remarks.

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            • Wow actually I love women without them life would suck I am not a sexist. And you clearly know nothing of logic you are attempting to show that you didn't committ a fallacy by giving evidence as to why you thought I was fat when your actual fallacy was in regards to the content of my arguement not my physical appearance if I told you I weighed 400 pounds you would have still committed a fallacy because you are attacking the individual not the arguement, the arguement was about sexuality not my weight, but we will leave that alone because I don't think you are capable of understanding the incredibly simple point I just made. Back to me hating women when did I ever say this I just said slutty women are disgusting. Unless all women are slutty then I do not hate women. I don't go around bashing them I've never cheated on anyone I've ever been with. When it comes to sex I always please the woman before I please myself. Also when I was single I never pursued a woman with the intent of sleeping with her once and then never talking to them again. I always treat whoever I'm with as an equal so how exactly do I hate women. Also you are right you never did say you had progressive beliefs about sexuality but you are espousing the view that there is nothing wrong with a woman who is sexually liberated which generally is synonymous with promiscuity. This view is clearly a progressive view. I don't need to be a psychic to call an apple an apple.

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  • Nyet

    I think you're angry that these "slutty" girls won't sleep with you.

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  • Saycheese

    Someone is sexist.

    Yes I can be a little disgusted by sluts too, but how does it hurt me. I do feel awkward around them but, it doesn't make me hate them. Normally they have low self esteem too, not all but most. It's rather sad in my thoughts but whatever it's THEIR life; not mine or YOURS.

    I don't see it as an accomplishment at all if a guy gets a slutty girl in bed, same with a girl getting a guy in bed.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I don't like slags. I could never be with one.

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  • TerryVie

    you sound frustrated. why be disgusted because someone ELSE does what they want?
    because you can't? Jealous? also disgusted by people with big houses and expensive cars? disgusted by your boss? by all people that have something or do something you can't? you seem a very bitter person, and a weak one too, if you have to submit to double standards to convince yourself that there is a truth in your beliefs.

    i'd tell you to go die in a fire, but whatever, enjoy your narrow perspective and close-minded life whatever way you think it works best for you.

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    • It is women who are the gate keepers when it comes to sex and it's been that way for 100s of thousands of years longer even and if they aren't selective it causes problems. Most women dislike sluts. If every woman celebrated her sexuality stds would be much more prevalent then they already are. Also why is it that celebrating your sexuality means that you sleep with whoever without conscience. There are many ways to celebrate your sexuality with out bedding Tom, dick, and Harry in the same weekend.

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      • TerryVie

        and it's the sole responsibility of women because...?

        If someone can get a job that pays 20 times as much as yours, are you disgusted of him and hate him because he ACCEPTS that job?
        you can HATE the capitalist system all you want, you can be disgusted of it all you want, but being disgusted or hating on others because they take advantage of a system when they can, without breaking any rules, simply because YOU cannot take that advantage, is just plain jealousy and envy.

        slutty women do nothing else. they use the system for them. They want, they can, they do.
        Now, you say yourself, the difference to men is:
        They also want, they can't, they grieve.
        Now, i will cut back on the partners i have the instant a manager comes by and tells me he's cutting back on his income and wants to give me my share. We can take things from there.

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  • Nothing wrong with having sex with people.

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  • RidingSheepOnClouds

    If man slept with 100 woman, he'd be hailed a hero (in other guys opinions), if a woman were to do the same thing THAT'S where the double standards work their way in, just because you can't get anyone doesn't mean you should be so hate-filled twoards other people. Did you ever stop to think that people have had things happen in their lives that have made them hypersexual? Don't be so fucking quick to judge.

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    • Belkar

      I am a guy, and I would still call that man a slut.. the difference is that he probably wouldn't care at all.

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  • Dot123

    Slutty women are just asking to get raped.

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    • Ibelievethis

      What a disgusting comment. Noone ever deserves to be raped!

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      • PumpkinKate

        S'just dot being dot, don't take it to heart.

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        • Ibelievethis

          Thanks for your reply but there are somethings though that are completley unsayable. I suppose we can all think what we like but we can't say/write what we like. xx

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          • PumpkinKate

            I was moreso going with the notion that he said it to invoke a reaction, rather than to express a belief, but I do also agree that regardless, it's not very tactful.

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      • Dot123

        Yeah, what Pump said.

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    • Austalien

      No that's the great thing about them you don't need to rape them >8{

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  • Bumholelover

    Straight out, slutty women are amazing, leave them alone.

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  • aurora73

    I don't but then I'm a girl!! Having said that .... many guys I know have little respect for women that put out too soon. Not all but many! But I've never met a guy that had little respect for a girl that doesn't put out too soon! It's not right but it is sadly the way of the world!

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  • Bigmac69

    Me to bro amen

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  • damascus

    IT IS BETTER TO HAVE A KEY THAT CAN OPEN MANY DOORS THAN TO HAVE A DOOR THAT CAN BE OPENED BY MANY KEYS....No man in his right sense will wish to have a wife that had many sexual patners...Women are widely respected worldwide because of their ability to maintain a reasonable sexual status...A women who has more that a reasonable sexual expeience is a SLUT....I am not against anyone here but it is the truth...No WOMAN no CRY, women should be women and not animals....

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    • Thank you finally a voice of reason people are so twisted on this site. Just look at bestiality poles they will be at least 50 percent in agreeance this site is not at all representative of the population. And I am no prude I like a girl who is a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets as long as she's not getting in the sheets with everybody

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  • frankiestrange

    First off, yeah, "slutty" or, promiscuous women are quite gross, in my opinion. But also, men can be sluts! So what if for them it's an accomplishment to sleep with a woman, to other people they're being promiscuous or "slutty". It works both ways too.

    I also hate it when people show off parts of their bodies, it's unnecessary, and you just look arrogant and "slutty" regardless of your gender. Eg. Men walking around deliberately showing off their bodies without a top, or women with their boobs hanging out. XD

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  • Legion

    I dont mind, I actually kind of like a girl who's a little slutty. that means she knows what she's doing.;)

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  • Lynxikat

    Looks like some's a bit sexist.

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  • lolol555

    OP, you're a slut. IDGAF you're have a penis. You're a dumbass fucking slut who probably gets called a manwhore 24/7 so you decided to vent your anger on here.

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  • EllyBean

    Who cares if their sluts? Let them do what they want. As long as they don't fuck up your relationship or show off their vag's on the internet, why should we judge them? They're just doing what they wanna do. And the double standard thing. Omg I'm not even getting into that. I'm just going to sum it up by saying that you're a an asshole and you are probably a slut yourself and you will probably never have a meaningful relationship.

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    • Ibelievethis

      Double standards yeah I totally agree with that. Men complainig about slutty women but isn't it strange that they don't complain at the time. xx

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  • Belkar

    Wow, people here are so judgmental.
    No need to rage at the man, it is a legitimate thing to be discussed by slutty people. It turns me off completely. I would never want to sleep with a slut.

    @ready2rumble - it is kinda the definition of slut.

    @RidingSheepOnClouds - it is not usually the same men complaining as the ones that slept with them. Don't lump men all together

    @dot123 - you're an asshole

    @Darkoil - not the point, and who cares?

    @Saycheese - he wasn't saying it hurt him, just that he gets disgusted.

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    • Saycheese

      I understand what you mean there, I wasn't disagreeing on him all the way.

      But at the same time it really isn't an accomplishment when a guy sleeps with a girl truthfully. Just be happy with yourself. Finding the right girl is an accomplishment. And him trying to say there is no such thing as a man slut, think again. Women get used just as much as men or more.

      Plus I was just being honest, I wasn't really trying to seem angry. :)

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  • Who_Fan4Life


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  • Darkoil

    Fucking idiot, i'm a guy and i haven't ever been turned down.

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  • Sorry,username-is-taken.

    Man, you're damn right. I hate them ho's. Fuck em.

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  • Aleks85

    Of course she could look up the porn star Lisa Sparxxx, she was just an average chubby college chick previously.

    Now be prepared to be disgusted.

    "Sparks is a world record holder for having had sex with the most partners in one day. She achieved this world gangbang record by having intercourse with 919 men."

    The sad part is this is something she is proud of.

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    • Ibelievethis

      I thought I had a colourful past but 919 men in 1 day! How is that even possible? x

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  • sac66064

    I LOVE slutty girls. I dont care if they've slept with 1 or 1,000...if they are slutty that is who I have in my crosshairs. Why? Because I'm a shallow male and I want to get fucked, and I don't want to wait, so I'm going to take home the trashiest, skankiest, sluttiest girl I can find. Because I know that when I get her in the bedroom she is going to do everything I want....and often I get surprised that she'll do things even I didn't expect. The top three best sex experiences I've ever had were by slutty girls. They are better at everything. That's right prudes...THEY ARE BETTER THAN YOU AT SEX, IN EVERY WAY. I don't have to ask sluts to swallow, they do it on their own. I tell my slutty girlfriends that I want them to find a girl for us to have a threesome with. They told me they have some girls in mind and are working on it. Slutty girls are also a lot more fun to party with becasue they get crazy...just like me. I'm going to marry a slutty girl because then I know i'll never have a wife who will never get bored of sex and will never stop sucking my dick.

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    • aurora73

      Hahaha!! I love guys who love sluts .... they are super easy to twist round your finger!! I hope you end up making loads of money coz when your old and grey and your super slutty wife has been nipped and tucked within an inch of her life watch the paranoia take a grip!

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    • My post was very negative to sluts but your post was so refreshingly honest that I agree with u now fuck all the fake ass people on this site

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    • frankiestrange

      Although wouldn't rather have a real woman, who you could be in a proper relationship with, treat you properly and be really sweet and nice? Or you ONLY want sex and that's it?

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      • sac66064

        you can have all those things and have great sex. i'm not going to turn out like my best bud's parents. his dad hasn't had sex in eight years, all because his mom always has a "headache." if he's telling me this (i don't know him all that well) it must be worse than i even think. that ain't gonna happen to me.

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        • frankiestrange

          Also, who says that girls who aren't slutty are all bad in bed, huh?

          Like, me, I'm quite shy, introverted, a gamer, and deffo not slutty in the slightest. However, you could say that I am for my boyfriend. We have sex all the time. XD

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