Is it normal to be embarrassed to poo at home?

I live in a house with 5 others, and share a bathroom with two boys (I'm a girl). Our toilet has a lock on it, which is a big relief.

I used to be afraid of going to the toilet in public, I would only go if it was completely necessary, sometimes I'd hold on and give myself a stomach ache. Public toilets are dirty, but mostly I am mortified at the thought of someone hearing me.

At home, I am also starting to become really embarrassed and scared someone will hear me. There is no fan in the toilet, so I put the one in the bathroom on if I REALLY have to go, otherwise I'll wait until everyone is out (happens rarely). I don't want them to hear me, I don't want them to smell it, I don't even want them to see me come out of the toilet.

This is not a 'girls don't poop' thing. I can talk about it with close friends. I just get really anxious if I have to go when someone is home. I put paper in the toilet (our toilets are different to American ones, they aren't full of water), but then I worry that I'm going to clog it with so much paper after wiping.

Is this is any way normal?

Voting Results
43% Normal
Based on 82 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • Captin_obvioius

    You shit, I shit, We all shit. Andrew^^^ shits... even Dave. Be proud of your shit, shit with pride. When I shit and come out of the restroom I demand respect. I never flush. Shit with pride, it is your own creation, much like a snowflake every one is different.

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  • KeddersPrincess


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    • GoraIntoDesiGals

      You poo too. Don't believe me? How about a little experiment where you put a hose in your mouth and the other end, well in your ass.

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  • I love clogging up public toilets. I also tend to not flush (damn to the depths of hell whoever invented automatic flushing toilets) only because I think its unfair to not give the next person a chance to admire my own handywork and give them something to shoot for themselves.

    At home its a different story, yes it happens but I dont tend to celebrate it as much as I am the one who has to unclog it though. Although I admit it, sometimes I do outdo (or poo if you like) myself even there.

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    • drugsrbadmkay

      Sometimes when I leave a particularly large or particularly nasty poo in a public toilet I not only don't flush, I waddle over to the next stall with pants around my ankles and wipe there, so there will not be any toilet paper masking the beauty of my creation.

      Perhaps you and I should start photographing our poos so we can see who do outpoo who.

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      • That is an excellent idea, of course it could end up being awkward if someone walked in mid waddle so to say, but still, good thinking in my opinion.

        I would love to take you up on the photographing idea, although most of my greatest creations tend to be at work, with its god damn automatic flushing, so I really dont get a chance to immortalize them. I can try though.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Stop being SHIT about having a SHIT and go and have a SHIT

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  • howaminotmyself

    Everybody poops, you shouldn't be embarrassed about it. If someone calls you out at home for creating a foul smell, own it. Especially if it disgusts brothers. Take pride in grossing out a brother, that isn't an easy thing to do.

    Also, keep matches in the bathroom. The smell of a burnt match can over power many things.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      No one poops but you.

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      • howaminotmyself

        That explains so much.

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  • neilmaini

    You need to get some confidence and just go. It is a normal and natural thing what you have to do and straining yourself and using toilet paper isn't right. Just go and have good poo.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    In college we shared 1 bathroom between every 2 dorm rooms so when you were shitting you could have a pretty big audience. I usually went over to one of the classroom buildings to shit.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I wonder why girls are especially afraid to pee/poo when there are men around.

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  • mustachecashstash

    I've lived with the same people all my life and I’m still too shy to go number 2 when people are in the house. I have always done it at night, while everyone’s asleep.

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  • posvent

    It is kinda normal to be embarrassed by the thought of others hearing your bathroom noises. I lived in a apartment with thin walls last year and and I used to fear that the guy next door could hear me in my bathroom. I tried to be as quiet as possible when I was in there.

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  • SangoNyappy

    I thought I was only one... but for me it's normal and sometimes I can't even do it because I'm scared that someone will hear me so I just leave emtpy toilet and come back when everyone else leaves house.

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  • dinz

    Well I'm like that in public but when I'm at home with family I don't care, I'm causing havoc on my home sweet throne.

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  • randypete

    you are mad

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  • Imposturously_yours

    Well, holding it in is not that healthy. Wasting TP is not that great either.

    I used to live with 2 really nice girls, one bathroom. They're not my thing, romantically speaking, so, technically - I shouldn't be bothered. But sometimes I did feel awkward after a really big, stinky dump. Especially, the first couple of months.

    You're overthinking the whole thing, imho.

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  • Andrew256

    If not home, where. Let that shit rip.

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  • JustDave

    Leave a radio playing somewhere, no one will notice your sounds. Light a match afterwards and/or by an air freshener to spray.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Yeah, it's normal. Personally, I am afraid my husband will hear me because it is gross and kind of awkward but I wouldn't worry about it. If they do have thoughts of you being gross, for most people, they will be fleeting thoughts at best.

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