Is it normal to be embarrassed to poo at home?
I live in a house with 5 others, and share a bathroom with two boys (I'm a girl). Our toilet has a lock on it, which is a big relief.
I used to be afraid of going to the toilet in public, I would only go if it was completely necessary, sometimes I'd hold on and give myself a stomach ache. Public toilets are dirty, but mostly I am mortified at the thought of someone hearing me.
At home, I am also starting to become really embarrassed and scared someone will hear me. There is no fan in the toilet, so I put the one in the bathroom on if I REALLY have to go, otherwise I'll wait until everyone is out (happens rarely). I don't want them to hear me, I don't want them to smell it, I don't even want them to see me come out of the toilet.
This is not a 'girls don't poop' thing. I can talk about it with close friends. I just get really anxious if I have to go when someone is home. I put paper in the toilet (our toilets are different to American ones, they aren't full of water), but then I worry that I'm going to clog it with so much paper after wiping.
Is this is any way normal?