Is it normal to be encumbered by the word 'grace'?

This word has been on my mind for a couple months. It's almost as if the word has been screaming for attention. What do I mean? What do I mean? What do you mean what do I mean?... Grace - it seems so simple yet I can't quite grasp it. I have a sort of intuitive understanding of grace, but cannot put my interpretation into a solid thought; it's almost alien to me. Churches tell you to have it, yet it's already given? Do they even know what it means? Is it so spiritual that it cannot accurately be defined?

It doesn't matter what your religion beliefs are, I want to know your first impression of this word (before researching it). If you did research, how did your understanding change?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • green_boogers

    Your subconscious wants you to research it. Perhaps there is a subjective interpretation that you need to integrate your identity.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Grace is a way of moving or a form of things that shows fluidity and elegance.
    The dictionary also mentions courteous goodwill. I don't find any grace in religion, in fact it might be a complete opposite to the true tenets of most religions.

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  • TKDWolf1

    Grace is my middle name. Never liked the word as anyone that knew this fact would say, "Nice going Grace." Magen I stumbled or dropped something. I always thought it meant flowing and beautiful, but if you're speaking religiously then I think it's more like benevolence.

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    • TKDWolf1

      Why can't I delete edit on here??? The above post should read *whenever, not *Magen.

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  • slings_and_arrows

    'By the grace of god everything will be ok and you will recover from your brain tumour,' people say things like that. Do you want to believe in a god/concept like that? A god who picks and chooses who will benefit from his 'grace.' What a load of retarded bullshit.

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  • Joyful

    grace id an attribute that someone embodies. If someone does something very caring for another without wanting anything in return; that is grace. Someone who is peaceful and humble and slow to anger.

    a lovely name...

    By the grace of God we are saved not by works of men

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  • BioG33k5

    Usually when I hear the word 'grace', I think one or more of the following things:

    1) Who called for me?
    2) Oh, different Grace.
    3) Haha guys, the puns were old in 6th grade.

    And so on and so forth.

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  • disthing

    Grace to me is:

    1) A name, maybe Ancient Greek?

    2) Delicacy and (as gypsysailor said) elegance. It goes hand-in-hand with dignity. To act in a graceful manner suggests to me courteousness, gentleness, perhaps even an understated beauty.

    I have no idea what it means in a religious context, but I'm not religious so that's probably why.

    I'm also not sure why you feel 'encumbered' by the word.

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  • Pika-girl

    Here, instead of "graceful", replace it with "fabulous". (Replace "grace" with "fabulousness".)

    Those dancers, twirling in the air, were GRACEFUL.
    Those dancers, twirling in the air, were FABULOUS.

    (based on a friend's joke)

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