Is it normal to be extremely paranoid?

I'm so paranoid. Im paranoid to the point where Im too scared to talk to someone incase they get annoyed.
If someone doesnt say hello or goodbye to me, I immediately think they hate me.
I cant help thinking everyone is talking about me behind my back.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • username21

    That doesn't really sound like paranoia, although you can argue what you want. It's more like neurotic behavior, where you're really unsure of yourself as a person. It'll hopefully pass with age.

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  • ChasingAfterPond<3

    Everyone gets a tad bit self concious and paranoid about themselves, I do sometimes. But try not to be so paranoid and jump to conclusions so quickly. Just be yourself and don't worry about what other people think of you. If someone doesn't say hello or goodbye, its fine, people are busy, you don't have to say hi to them either. Everyone is not talking about you behind your back. You should see a counselor or psychiatrist and express how you feel, your mass paranoia, and hopefully get you some self confidence because that is what it sounds like you need. Just be confident and happy with yourself. Be proud of who you are. I wish you luck on getting rid of your paranoia.(:

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  • EnterUsernameHere

    I feel the same way. I realize it's not normal and you probably should too. Mine is due to social anxiety. :(

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  • lufa

    A little paranoia is actually healthy because it comes from evolution-it warns you of dangers that might befall you from potential adversaries or threats.

    But it becomes abnormal when you're paranoid in most situations where there is little to no harm or threat to you.

    In extreme cases it is a mental disorder and you might need to see a therapist and be on meds like lithium.

    Only you know how bad it is for you. I can tell you for the most part I'm rarely paranoid but sometimes when I think I'm being talked about (like at work), then I suspect something is up.

    Usually most of my fears are unfounded but in rare instances I was right to be paranoid. You need to ask yourself in any situation you're in if a rational person would think it appropriate to be paranoid.

    But really you should calm down. Few people give a damn about others-most are worried about themselves and no one is after you, unless there is a very good reason to be.

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  • kellstar79

    Normal for alot of people, just be yourself and find some exercises to help you like making yourself do things you normally wouldn't do. I used be sort of like this too but I've learnt to overcome it

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  • RoyalKnight

    Most of us have those kind of fears, but the level of paranoia you're exhibiting is really excessive. You will not be able to live a normal life if you continue on like this. Take it easy and relax. Most people out there are not going to judge you as harshly as you might think.

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  • purpledino8

    Its ok, I'm like that too. Its normal

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  • Aurora93


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  • OlNeddyBoy

    You're crazy! They're after you!!!

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