Is it normal to be extremely picky when naming things?
I hate the feeling of accidentally plagiarising something. I hate this with a passion and I am picky to a huge extent when I try and find a name for something, and it's really got on my nerves.
Here's an example. Today, I started writing a piece of fanfiction, and initially I chose the names Liam and Connor for the two main characters. I decided to Google this pairing to see if this name for a duo was already taken, and I found out that there's a Coronation Street character called Liam Connor (I don't watch soaps), so I made myself change "Liam" to "Lee". I couldn't write this knowing that the names of the two main characters were also the first and last names of a character. I couldn't, and I just don't know why.
Another example: I'm the keyboardist of a progressive metal band and last week I began writing a song called "Towers of Radiance". To make sure this song name wasn't already taken, I googled it, and was disappointed to find out that "Towers of Radiance" is the name of a move in World of Warcraft. So I renamed it to "Columns of Illumination" instead. This problem has happened with many songs I have written.
Trust me, I am incredibly picky in this respect. A lot of names for things have been taken to the point where it's hard for me to name something without becoming neurotic and checking to see if I'm not duplicating. I like to be almost purely original.
I don't even like plagiarising myself. If I've used a certain name for something I've made, I can't use that word or phrase as a name again because I'll argue with myself over which thing should be called which.
is it normal or should I be more laid back?