Is it normal to be extremely picky when naming things?

I hate the feeling of accidentally plagiarising something. I hate this with a passion and I am picky to a huge extent when I try and find a name for something, and it's really got on my nerves.

Here's an example. Today, I started writing a piece of fanfiction, and initially I chose the names Liam and Connor for the two main characters. I decided to Google this pairing to see if this name for a duo was already taken, and I found out that there's a Coronation Street character called Liam Connor (I don't watch soaps), so I made myself change "Liam" to "Lee". I couldn't write this knowing that the names of the two main characters were also the first and last names of a character. I couldn't, and I just don't know why.

Another example: I'm the keyboardist of a progressive metal band and last week I began writing a song called "Towers of Radiance". To make sure this song name wasn't already taken, I googled it, and was disappointed to find out that "Towers of Radiance" is the name of a move in World of Warcraft. So I renamed it to "Columns of Illumination" instead. This problem has happened with many songs I have written.

Trust me, I am incredibly picky in this respect. A lot of names for things have been taken to the point where it's hard for me to name something without becoming neurotic and checking to see if I'm not duplicating. I like to be almost purely original.

I don't even like plagiarising myself. If I've used a certain name for something I've made, I can't use that word or phrase as a name again because I'll argue with myself over which thing should be called which.

is it normal or should I be more laid back?

Voting Results
65% Normal
Based on 52 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Oli

    Jesus. You know how many artists out there have the same song title?

    And how many book characters have the same names?

    Stop trippin'.

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  • dodongos

    I have the SAME problem. Gah!

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  • Hismilkchocolate

    Dude c'mon, your a writer to an extent as you said you write songs and stories. It's perfectly normal to be nuerotic and nervous about duplicating titles and names. Just don't let it go so far that it's taking time out of your life. If it is, then maybe you should work on being more laid back about it. Because at the end of the day, it isnt THAT serious.

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  • emilydoll

    Yes. How can someone not be like this, an artist.

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  • Just1question

    Hey I love Prog rock. Have you uploaded anything I can listen too?

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    • We haven't recorded any music yet, we just play gigs at the moment.

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