Is it normal to be extremely scared of carpenter bees?

I have a rotting stump in my backyard that has become a home for these little guys. I have tried spraying it several times to no avail. These bugs are extremely terrifying to me. They buzz loudly and fly right up to your face (shiver). It is almost impossible for me to go in my own backyard because of this.

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83% Normal
Based on 63 votes (52 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • suckonthis9

    Bees, wasps and hornets usually return to the nest in the evening, to roost for the night.

    Can you put a large container, such as a garbage pail over the stump?

    If you can, then do this at night, weighing it down with a heavy object, and making sure there are no holes around the bottom (rim) of the pail (pile and pack soil around the base).

    If you were even more ingenious, then you could collect the bees in a one-way jar trap. If you are even more ingenious (and very careful), you could then use them, for such things as extracting the venom (for pharmaceutical uses), or for live fly-fishing bait.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Bee glad that they aren't japanese wasps

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    • FredSumper23

      Oh god yeah. The three inch, acid shooting, sting-you-until-you're-no-longer-alive ones?

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  • A-Hor

    Yes, it's completely normal. Many many people are afraid of bess, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, spiders, almost any type of incest you can think of.

    I am 23 year-old, 6'2" man; broad-shouldered; never work out, but have incredible strength... but if I see a bee... I run like a mother fucker getting shot at. Literally... I run for my life like an airplane is about to crash land behind me. There is no reasoning with me. There is no calming me down. There is no excuse to tell me like, "Oh just leave it alone, it won't sting you." NO! You get that fucking bee away from now.

    Though, in my sane state of mind, I grasp that bees are quite imperative to our survival. Anyone whose seen Pixar's "Bee Movie" can understand. Call a professional to get rid of them. Maybe see if there's a way to get rid of them without killing them.

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  • YourHairsOnFire

    Oh baby I freeze up! SO FREAKEN SCARY!!

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  • Devyn

    As long as you don't make any sudden movements bees won't harm you. At least from my experience they won't. Same goes for wasps; I've had a wasp walk around my mouth eating the ice cream left there, while I stood still. It ate and then just flew off.

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  • gummy_jr

    Just be glad its not a wasps nest. Those motherfuckers are scary and sting for no damn reason.

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  • ForeverAChild

    I'm scared of every bee. It's worse with wasps.

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    I can totally relate. When we bought our house, the previous owner had a compost box in the back yard. I discovered after we moved in that it was infested with carpenter bees, when my son goy stung while playing near it. I tried to take out the nest, but they came after me. I finally got a spray that shoots 30 ft, and put on thick clothes, face shield, and hat, and emptied the whole can in there. Then after a few hours, they were all dead, and I ripped out the whole box. Be careful with those SOB's.

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  • dinz

    Completely normal. If you are unable to get rid of these bees you might need to look at calling in professional help.

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