Is it normal to be extremely worried about my breathing?

Well, I've had this problem a lot, but I have a problem with my breathing. I have trouble breathing at night, and have to watch T.V. to get me to sleep. I am so worried that I may have lung cancer or something, any type of cancer. I cry at night thinking about me dieing seeing that it is difficult for me to breathe. My mom says it's not anything that serious, but I am very afraid that I will pass out and die. I did go to the doctors, but he said it's probably just the weather and allergies. My parents say I worry too much about my breathing.. is this normal?

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46% Normal
Based on 61 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • moode4u

    3 years ago i had this feeling. u know how it went away?
    i start filling my free time with something that i like.

    for example i like engines.. so i start learning how it works and start making projects.. i fill my free time with it,so that feeling about breathing and die slowly went away

    when Ur mind is empty u start fooling Ur self with things that is not true..

    Don't think too much , you will create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place .

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  • blackbeautie07

    This happens to me soo much and I found it to be caused my anciety which I suffer from, is there anything making you anxious... You shouldn't worry about it too much because if you were breathing to quick you would hyperventalate and pass out then breathing would return to normal or if you weren't breathing enough you would gasp for air. :) hope this helps xx

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  • TheBunnie

    You might be focusing on your breathing to the point where you have a hard time breathing normally.. for example, you may breathe too much air or not enough. I'm not sure, but it's possible you may be a hypochondriac. Do you place your hand over your chest and check your heartbeat and feel the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe? I've had experiences like this myself, like when I was a kid and I first started realizing I had a heart murmur. I'd notice my heart beating strangely and assumed I was gonna have a heart attack and die. (I'm a hypochondriac myself so.) Try to focus on something else and keep yourself busy, and see if your breathing improves. You may or may not have an actual breathing problem but like I said, you may be getting too self aware of your breathing, since it's something we do unconsciously.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Im laughing so much right now "I cry at night thinking about me dieing" BAHAHAHAHAH

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    • Sorry, but I don't think this is funny.

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      • squeallikeasacofpigs

        I think its fucking hilarious!!! Stop being so pathetic!!

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        • Honestly, I wish you were in HER shoes. You don't understand. Some people can take offence to your comments. She is probably not comfortable, so please leave the page.

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          • squeallikeasacofpigs

   about FUCK NO!

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            • LifeIsInteresting

              You are a bad person.

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            • Ok, whatever. Be a stubborn little ass.

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    • DollyISboss


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      • squeallikeasacofpigs

        What the fuck are you doing replying to a comment that is 1 year and 3 months old?!!?!?! FUCKSAKE

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