Is it normal to be freaked out with aliens?

I love aliens but they freak me out sometimes. I feel like when the sky is gloomy they are about to abduct me in 3 in the morning.

I know it sounds like I'm a retard.

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59% Normal
Based on 63 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • handsignals

    How do you know the aliens won't be hot chicks who want to line you up and take turns sucking you off?

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    • Chesteroooo


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  • Huayra

    Of course it's normal to be in fear of otherworldly beings. We don't know what to expect of aliens if they are real, which I find it hard to believe that earth has the only living things in the ever expanding universe. I wouldn't be surprised if they were watching us right now. If they are real and have the ability to travel throughout the galaxy or universe, they are MILES ahaead of us in technology.

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  • Aub

    Same. I love it.

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  • anonymous9250

    Davesumba how would you know this
    Have u not heard of crop circles
    And how would yo explain the big murderers like dammer George gain and others that are in prison or have benn put to death

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    • davesumba

      LOL, are you serious about crop circles? You do know those are made by farmers trolling us.

      And I never said anything about big murderers. It's the ones in Gitmo that you don't know about.

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  • Karmasbitch

    I believe there are aliens that want to help, and some that want to destroy us and the ones that want to enslave us are the ones in power.
    Just like us, a lot of people are bad, but not everyone.

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  • anonymous9250

    it goes both ways every one is interested with anything new they don't know about

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  • anonymous9250

    And aliens would be much more advanced than humans so why would they give a dam they would invade if they wanted to

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    • Chesteroooo

      Idk. Maybe our life form is unusual to them.

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  • anonymous9250

    Than how do u know

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  • RoseIsabella

    So basically, you're just a kook.

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  • U.O.E.N.O.

    Them fuckers are coming for you U.O.E.N.O. it.

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    • Chesteroooo

      Lol your comment made my day.

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  • davesumba

    Fun Fact: The government has an agreement with aliens that we won't wander a certain distance away from earth, and the aliens won't bother us.
    And as far as abducting goes, the gov also sends the worst of the worst criminals to the aliens to study, and in return they let us know if they find any reason why they were the bad person they were.
    So all in all, you have nothing to worry about.

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    • Chesteroooo

      I thought NASA is hiding this kind of stuff in order not to freak humans out? If they had an agreement not to wander in our place how come they are some evidences that they did.

      Jeebus i don't like abduction. O.O

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