Is it normal to be horribly afraid of spiders?

I have been terrified of spiders my whole life. I am too afraid to look up how to fix my fear of spiders cause I am scared it will show me pictures of freaky spiders. I hate them so much. I sort of want them all dead and to not exist, because I can't stand hem so much, but I know that we need them on earth to help by eating bad, harmful things. The shape and look f then just terrifies me. Do they scare u as much as they do to me?

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Comments ( 16 )
  • gummy_jr

    Spiders have cute faces but the legs? Hell no

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    • Ha ha

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    • Pika-girl

      The legs are the cons.

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  • Mr-Myrtos

    A friend of mine, a big man, body builder and very macho like has a country house were he spends weekends with is girlfriend.
    Sometimes a spider comes in coz is countryside and he screams and faints.
    It would be quite amusing but is not. His girlfriend does have to call 112(911).
    He is not afraid of mice or clockroaches and never avoids a fight if someone pesters him.
    So you see how a small spider can change someone. Its a phobia.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Gotta love those clockroaches, they're always on time.

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      • Mr-Myrtos

        Ufff ;))) Clockroaches!? Definitely not my cup of tea:)

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        • RoseIsabella

          I know, a lot of folks think clockroaches are rude, because they show up right on time or early instead of fashionably late.

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    • gummy_jr

      Clockroaches can be a little fierce :(

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      • Mr-Myrtos


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  • NurseDiesel

    Aww :( poor spideys. I was just admiring all the pretty webs shining in the morning sunlight. One is across the top of my walkway but I will leave it be. I will simply tilt my head as I walk underneath, so as not to disrupt it.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think spiders are beautiful and if anything I have an strong aversion to killing or hurting them. I even love the black widows that are all over the place when I go outside at night, they're actually quite shy. When I was a little girl there was a small hairy spider who lived in the frame of my canopy bed. I was never afraid and always thought of it as a little friend.

    When someone has a frantically pathological fear of spiders it actually grates on my nerves and gives me anxiety. All the freaking out about a cute little spider that some people do annoys me. I don't want to hear about someone wanting to kill a random spider if it non poisonous and might minding it's own spidy business.

    When a person tells me they hate spiders I'm inclined to not like that person very much.

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    • CountessDouche

      I'm in agreement! I find spiders and social insects (bees, paper wasps, etc) to be especially beautiful and interesting, after studying entomology. I myself, have an irrational fear of cockroaches - only irrational in it's intensity, because the little bastards do carry disease.

      Human beings tend to mirror, to communicate through the replication of non verbal cues, and therefore are inherently more attracted to animals that they can anthropomorphize (project human characteristics onto). As a result, its perfectly normal to hate insects- merely because they appear to be so non human...ever wondered why all the aliens in alien movies look just like bugs?

      Spiders are awesome though, once you learn about them, it's impossible not to experience some type if amazement!

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      • RoseIsabella

        I used to have a really bad fear of cockroaches.

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  • equitable75

    I saw a hobo spider in the garden two weeks ago. That spider ruined any comfortin any environment. Solution: Clean clean clean! Get some diatomaceous earth, spider traps. Qear socks gloves, clean up wood piles, eliminate card board,rocks any debris near home and maybe even some home insect spray for all insects to eliminate their food source. Once you have thoroughly cleaned, apply the dust, place the traps and spray you should be alright and get over your fear:)

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  • BrianD

    i have arachnafobia aswell but know this,to them we are fucking titanic,just HUGE,and when they move around so fast when you accidentally get close is for them a instinctive reaction to "get the fuck out of this place",truth be told venomous spiders are the only dangerous kind that can really cause you harm,others like daddy long legs or even normal house spiders like recluses,while terrifying and ugly (especially with a fear of them) aren't going to kill you in your sleep

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    • Thx I appreciate it

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