Is it normal to be incredibly irritated when "experts" spew nonsense?
Often, when I'm on sites like Yahoo! Answers I see Top Contributors and people who call themselves experts spew random BS and have no idea about what they are talking about. For example, there was one person who was "certified" in legal matters with over 20 years of experience yet he/she consistently spewed extremely ignorant misinformation and misused terminology, not to mention applying the ignorance to other countries whose laws he/she probably knows nothing about. I also saw some worker for archaeologists saying stuff like how Native Americans are older than the entire human race. Then there are also some "leading experts" saying stuff like how Muslims who don't kill and/or massacre groups of people are rare. Then there was this psychology graduate who spouted ignorance about one of the psychological definitions, and whose answer sounded no more knowledgeable than from someone who takes Fox News to be absolute truth. And the sad part is the almost all of these people were classed as one of the most trusted users.
I am not talking about when experts reveal counterintuitive facts based on studies or evidence, or opinions or best guesses based on facts. I am talking about when "experts" online spew absolute rubbish that is factually, statistically and scientifically incorrect, and then hide behind their certifications.
Is it normal to be incredibly irritated with this?