Is it normal to be infuriated by the term
Is it normal to be infuriated by the term native American when everyone born in the USA is a native American, not just the American Indians.
Not only am I a a native American, but I am a second generation native American; my parents were born here as well. I would not like to be known as a "Russian American" because all my grandparents were born there. I've never been there and couldn't care less about being associated with the place.
When I was growing up, the US was called "the melting pot", a place where no matter what your cultural or ethnic background was, once you were here, you were just an American.
Now, political "correctness" is fracturing society into ethnic and racial groups, separating us by where our forefathers came from. The term "African Americans" is ludicrous; not one in a million has been to Africa. They are blacks, or Negros or whatever, but they are certainly NOT African Americans".
I do not see the point in "political correctness". It is divisive, inaccurate and demeaning, as though people cannot define themselves so the government must do it instead.