Is it normal to be insecure about your weight?
Lately, i have been obsessing over my weight. It practically consumes my whole life & i feel like im the ONLY one who isnt skinny. is this normal?
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Lately, i have been obsessing over my weight. It practically consumes my whole life & i feel like im the ONLY one who isnt skinny. is this normal?
It's normal, but it's very possible this is just your insecurities speaking. Please never try to lose weight while in a negative mindset, this is how eating disorders develop. Also, no one needs to be skinny. Just a healthy weight.
I guess it's normal. Question is..what are you going to do about it? I love the people that complain about being fat when they eat fast food all day and don't get off their ass. aye.
depends on how much u actually weigh compared to your height and age and if it is more thrn just work on it.
lucky you . i wish i could switch place with you . i am a extremely skinny person . and that pratically kiliing me
My job is sitting at a control panel for 12 hours a day and then go home an sleep. I am not skinny. Ya normal.
we're all in the same boat, sister. most everybody has extra chub they want to lose. blame society, the media, etc. just remember, while its fun to be thin, feel hot 'n sexy, and what not, when dating, u go a lot lo.ger with self confidence/self esteem. go ahead and start exercising or whatever, but do it for YOU. and know ur worth ouy!