Is it normal to be judged because i'm a satanist?

I live in a small town in middle-america. I'm a LaVeyain satanist I believe in self empowerment and self worship. I DO NOT worship satan. I DO NOT sacrifice animals or people. I don't believe in god, so I'm basically an atheist. Well in this small town the people are all Christians, even my family(I'm 17 y.o.). Well I didn't like the way most religions had forced there views on people or how I had to worship something that claims to be better than me(I am very narcissistic). Well I changed my religion around 13 and I was just without one and I liked it. SO then I found satanism while studding different cultures.

Well I don't know how people found out about it cause i didn't tell anyone, but somehow they found out and now my friends won't talk to me and my family won't even look at me. I just don't know what to do. Tried telling them that I'm christian again to ease back in, but apparently if you forsake god people tend not to let you back in to the church. I just don't know what to do can anyone give me advise.

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Based on 34 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 30 )
  • Holzman_67

    You believe in self empowerment and self worship, but you don't know what to do and are asking for advice?
    It doesn't sound like Satanism is working for you dude

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  • Avant-Garde

    Satanism is a very dark belief. It is the exact opposite of Christianity, which is why you've been shunned. Some of the things you say are contradicting. If you are doing it for attention, you picked the wrong religion to use. It's bound to bite you in the ass some way. I am not referring to the shunning. That was bound to happen regardless of what non-Christian religion you converted to.

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  • Hamid37USA

    You will join mine religion. To join you will push family into crab pit to ask forgiveness for not being born my religion. You must then gouge out eyes in exchange for new family.

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    • noid

      : )

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  • Move somewhere out of bible territory.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    well...most people assume Satanists sacrifice kids and cute animals and want to spread disease and chaos. Perverted orgies with corpses...things like that. If you don't actually do these things youre not really a Satanist.
    I think you should call yourself a hedonist that sounds more classy and not as threatening. Hedonists basically believe "if it feels good do it" and wasn't LeVeys basic tenet "do as thou wilt"?

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    • Satanism has never done any of those things. In any form of satanism, you maybe be thinking of sadists

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  • thegypsysailor

    You are just seeking attention. Your stated beliefs above are ridiculous; you can't believe in satan and not believe in god, it just doesn't work that way.
    You are just an immature child trying to get attention by being different.

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    • JustARandomNerd

      Satan is merely a metaphor to lavayian satanists. It is basicly atheism but considered a religion

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      • thegypsysailor

        Does your statement that make even the tiniest bit more sense than saying one is a satanist but doesn't worship satan? I can't help it, it's just too silly for words.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Laveyan satanism is for fags theistic satanism is way better

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  • golden_showers

    if u unite with evil, you will eventually be backstabbed. it's the nature of the beast.

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  • I know your pain. I am a Theistic Satanist who does believe in Satan and do rituals and the black Mass. I am judged everyday about what I believe. All I have to say is the all YOU selfish, disturbed, stupid and ignorant fucks out there. But be strong for satan is coming and the nonbelievers WILL boil mist under the feet of the dark one.

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  • Outsider21

    Don't fucking worship Satan! That's messed up, why would you worship a supposed entity that is dark and evil. I do believe Satan is real and it is just beyond me that people choose to intentionally walk into the darkness. Why turn yourself over to the dark and evil? You could get possessed too, the demons could just crawl in one day and the next thing you know you'll be levitating involuntarily and doing horrid things

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  • pixie_dust

    I don't think you are actually satanist, per se. probably more like wiccan or something. satanism is more about being all evil, no empathy, lusting over murdering people, etc. I agree with not worshiping a 'god' bcuz its giving your power away. if you trace back religions to the original christ based religion, the roman catholic church, it was unified with the government, so any 'sin' could get you in jail or worse. so then the separation of church and state was fought for. I can't help but think that the whole thing was rotten, but at that time they couldnt throw out the church. However we're into world enlightenment now, you know, the mayan calendar thing. look beyond the hype and see it for what it really is. It's the age of people waking up and smelling the bullshit.

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    • First of all Satanism is not a Christ-based religion. If you trace back in history you'll find that the first religion was the Setian religion. Set was a powerful god-like being who was all about vengeance and greed he was basically the first interpretation of Satan.

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      • pixie_dust

        I didn't mean to say that Satanism was christ based. My point is that pretty much the seed of christ based religions, which is what in the west is most religions, is the roman catholic church. People need to recognize that those religions are BULLSHIT. I'm saying that since the church was corrupt with the government back then, it's still corrupt. Now denying these religions doesn't mean that the only alternative is being Satanist.

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  • JustARandomNerd

    I totally understand what you are going through. You should try to get out if you can't mend your relationships with others. Zealous Christians tend to take any mention of satanism deathly serious because they think it automatically equates to orgies and animal sacrifices to a goat headed demon.

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  • zoffix

    I see same thing as an atheist too. Closed minded people will always choose their gods over other people.

    Luckily, we have Internet! Just search around your area for like-minded people. I'm sure you'll find tons and you won't feel so judged and left out.

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  • Couman

    So are you a member of Church of Satan? (Or some other group?) Or do you just identify with LaVey's ideology?

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    • I can't be a member till I'm 18 but yes I do plan to be I member

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      • Couman

        You can't be a member of this site either. The Management says you have to be 18.

        And remember: When in another's lair, show them respect or else do not go there. (LOL, never had a chance to quote scripture to a Satanist before.)

        Actually though, the whole agism thing is the main reason I don't like LeVayan Satanism, or at least CoS's interpretation of it.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    How can you be a Satanist if you don't believe in a God?. You sound like a confused child. Want some advice? leave religion out of the equation and be the best you that you can be.

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    • I do not worship or believe in satan. I think you should read it again.

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  • associate

    Well... it's common to be judged for identifying openly as a satanist, but not entirely fair. As you say, it's basically atheism with some self-empowerment beliefs. Soon you should be old enough to move away and meet more open-minded people though!

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  • TheJester

    Hahahahahahahahaha you're a satanist who doesn't worship satan and doesn't believe in a god? Buddy, everything about religion is a bullshit story, including satan. Satan and god go hand in hand, and if you believe in the one you have to believe in the other. Satan was origionally lucifer, the angel whom god cast down from heaven because he refused to bow down to man, or as the fairytale goes anyway.

    If you don't believe in religion or god, fine, neither do I. I'm just about as atheist as it gets, but I don't go around calling myself a satanist because that does, nomatter how YOU see it, mean that you worship satan. That's the definition of so called satanism.

    Truth is, nomatter what you worship, if you worship something, whether it be a god or a devil, you're still ripping yourself off and believing in a totally fairytale like idea. If you're an atheist, that means that you don't believe in ANY sort of god or religion, even satanism. So, before you call yourself a satanist, try understand the meaning of it? That's like me saying I'm a christian but not the kind who believes in jesus.

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  • Stickypudding

    Grow up.

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  • ihateallmyclothes

    You do realise you're just as bad as the religious people, right? And how can you believe in one but not the other? The Devil and God go together. I personally don't believe in either and I see what you mean about the Christians and them shoving their views on you, but being a narcissist is no better.

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    • umm I don't believe in either myself...What are you getting at

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      • ihateallmyclothes

        How can you be a satanist if you don't believe in Satan?

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