Is it normal to be lds (mormon)

Lately I have been having a hard time with all of the rumors about my religion and was just wondering what your views are on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Commonly known as Mormons)? I'm just curious.

Voting Results
51% Normal
Based on 102 votes (52 yes)
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Comments ( 32 )
  • greylovesscott

    Even though that is not my religion, I believe as long as someone is not hurting others or breaking the law they have the right to practice any religion they choose. Same as Catholicism, Judaism, Muslim, etc. I don't practice any of these but I'm not going to think people aren't normal for having their own personal religious beliefs nor will I judge them. I think people that do judge and hate others for what they choose to believe are insecure about what they themselves believe.

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  • anti-hero

    I don't mind Mormons, but I don't like Mitt Romney.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I don't like him either.

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    • NothingxCrazy

      Imagine having him as your Governor for 4 years. :\

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      • anti-hero

        I feel sorry for you, better than Nikki Haley, welcome to my world.

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        • NothingxCrazy

          Thankfully these days, I'm on the other side of the border with Bev Perdue.

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  • Gelmurag

    Every religion has positives and negatives. Of all of the religions I have been exposed to, it seems that the extremists are the bad parts. It is the people that take their religion to the point they have to convert others with some type of force that I have a problem with.

    My personal experience with mormons has left with me less than positive reviews on it. But I feel the same way about certain christian groups, muslim groups, buddha groups, and a few others. The only group of people I've ever spent time with that were "very" religious and weren't extremist were the Amish in Ohio. Quite lovely people, they never tried to preach at me, or convert me. But I won't say that they are better than any one religion.

    My ex was a mormon that claimed she didn't believe in divorce, and a woman must do anything a man says, regardless of the damage physically/mentally to her or her children. My cousin is a mexican mormon, and has similar views, and even tried to drown her son in the tub when he was little because "The mormon God only accepts girls into heaven." But I respect that all religions are different.

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  • dickwashington

    i thought this post was about Mormons doing acid (LSD) my bad

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    • myownopinions

      Right! I thought I was the only one...

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  • tbiM20

    Mormons seem more conservative by today's standards, but I don't have any particular view on them as a whole. There was one guy who showed up at campus regularly (he called himself Mormon at least) with his wife & daughters in their bonnets passing out fliers, while he stood beside pictures of mutilated fetuses on boards and yelled through a bullhorn about how we were all going to hell because we abort our babies and drink beer... but every group has a few of those. If someone complains about a Mormon (or Christian, Jew, etc.), from my experience that is the kind they're talking about. In contrast, one of my childhood friends was Mormon, she was very sweet, pious, and polite and the only noticeable difference was she didn't date.

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    • happy123

      that is not a mormon that is some crazy fundamentalist trying to give the church a bad rep

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Yeah, usually. A school is a place of academia and expansion of the mind. I don't consider gore to be an expansion of the mind.

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  • Andrew256

    Lds beliefs are insane.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I used to be the a very big religious skeptic. I'm talking, every devout religious person that I met was assaulted by my masterfully articulated arguments against the evils of organized religion and the devastation that it has caused the Earth. I have harrassed many a Catholic, Mormon, Jehovas Witness, Presbyterian, etc.

    Now, I am a member of the LDS church with a strong testimony. I am still struggling to CTR so to speak (I'm a college student and I live on caffeine and I still have my old wardrobe, lol), but I am getting there, slowly but surely. I feel a strong fellowship with other Mormons, and what a lot of outsiders don't realize that the more they criticise and attack us for our beliefs and practices (all the while preaching tolerance, ha!), the stronger our fellowship becomes.

    What gets me the most about the Mormon church is how strong the bond is between it's members. Every Sunday we gather for sacrament and it is just so spiritually fulfilling to be reminded that I am not the only person putting up with crap for my beliefs. Sure, the missionaries can be over-enthusiatic and sure, the church has done some shitty things. But I don't worship the church, I don't worship the missionaries, I don't worship the church officials, I worship God. Every organization has it's jerks. Church jerks just tend to be among the most annoying =/

    Anyone that has participated in anything greater than themselves can tell you that there will always be nay-sayers. Hell, even the civil rights movement was criticised to death. For every good in the world, there will be someone against it. Many people dislike our religion, it is a given. If someone dislikes you for your religion, they are prejudiced. So don't worry about them.

    So I vote normal. Just so long as you are not walking around with your nose in the air thinking that you need to convert everyone. George Albert Smith said it best that trying to make people believe in something is very ineffective. Many Mormons get very prideful of their knowing of "the truth" when in reality there is truth within every religion and every man should be able to worship (or not worship) as he pleases. That is within our articles of faith. If you really listen to the teachings, and you really understand the words that you are taught, then you don't have a problem with non-LDS folk as far as our beliefs go. Not saying they won't have a problem with what you do in your spare time though XD

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    • suckonthis9

      A very 'nice' speech, but unfortunately wrong. It is unfortunate that you were on the right track, but fell into the trap of religion because all of us have an inherent need for a sense of belonging. Why does our society usually make it a prerequisite to belong to either a religion or a criminal organization to fulfill this need?
      I don't feel that I could ever be part of your world, because you have labeled me an "outsider".
      The problem with ALL Christian religions, is that they are all based on the Bible. The Bible has been proven over and over again, to be scientifically and historically inaccurate. Instead of Christians accepting these facts, they instead come up with some 'crazy' ideas, in order to perpetuate this Myth. What about the so-called 'good' teachings in the Bible? If you really read it, it says that women should be second-class subordinates, we should have slavery and we should be perpetually subjugated by monarchs.
      The "truth" that you speak of, is unfortunately not true. The creatures that you "worship" are very upset with you. They regard prayer as an insult. It is not only an insult to them, but it is also an insult to yourself. They recommend quiet reflection at an appropriate time and place. They frown on ritualistic behaviour.
      This Earth is in trouble. We are heading headlong on a path towards Global Extinction. Our main problem is overpopulation. Your chuch is still advocating that we should continue to breed uncontrollably. Further, the church itself is a waste of resources and time. We have some very serious problems to solve. What has your church done to help solve these?

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        I'm not going to sit here and disagree with you, I beleve everything you say and I have been on that side of the fence. I understand the need for belonging, I really do, but if that was my problem I'd have found something long before I set foot in a church. I'm not going to sit here and say that the bible is word for word true, but there is a truth that every religion has to offer, and I find the the practice of the Mormon church best suits what I find to be an ideal lifestyle. I was raised in a conservative household, and I could have chosen any other church, I have been to many others, but this church most closely suits my ideal of what a church should be.

        I guess I could say that I grew a fascination with spirituality around the time that I "discovered" the Mormon church and it has proven to be the best venue.

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    • Singingcutie4

      So cool to hear your story! And I agree. I grew up in this church, and it is still tempting to wear a bikini, LOL.

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    • anti-hero

      You are Mormon? Honestly I didn't see that one coming. :)

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  • MRmr

    Mormons are fu*ked up, almost as bad as being native

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  • Faceless

    Next time a golden plate falls from the heavens, go ahead and put it in your spam file. Let's not base your entire life on a religion that's old enough for my dad to be like, 'Oh yeah, that's not true. That didn't happen.'
    -Daniel Tosh.

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  • I am a Ron Paul supporter on the politics topic, and I'm Mormon

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    • myownopinions

      Haha, that reminds me of those comercials. Seriously though, as long as you as a person are not annoying or whatever, then many people shouldn't have a problem with you being a mormon.

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  • TheGiraffeOfTheUniverse


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  • runnergirl13

    It is so normal for you to believe whatever religion you please. It makes sense for you to be concerned with it because people wrongfully give a lot of issues and hate to those who are LDS. Believe and follow whatever feels right to you. Most people aren't informed about Mormon practices and still just think of it as 'Sister Wives' or how it was in the 1800s.

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  • kelili

    They added so much thing to the Bible. Pffffff

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  • Singingcutie4

    The rumors that I struggle with is that people mix us up with the other LDS religions (when we moved to Utah the church split up into other groups because of different views on some issues such as polygamy) an example would be the FLDS religion: they practice polygamy, and still dress in the full pioneer garb. I think people just don't understand that we're not the only "mormon" church, but we are the only Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

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  • Jan_Zondernaam

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  • Ono

    I don't see anything abnormal with being a mormon if that's what you want to do. What rumors about the CLDS are you having a hard time with?

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  • NotNearNormal

    Not all mormons refrain from wearing bikinis.. It's really a personal choice. Califormons ;) wear them all the time!

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  • NotNearNormal

    NeuroNeptunian you're awesome!
    I don't know who that was yelling stuff about going to hell through a bull horn but if he was Mormon he wasn't a good one! We aren't that quick to judge!
    If you're interested to know more about Mormons and want to know the truth your best shot is to talk to a mormon.. I'd say talk to our missionaries but everyone assumes if you talk to a missionary you have to join our church. Not true. You can talk to them and they'll be happy to teach you about our beliefs and you don't have to get baptized.. As long as you seriously want to know they'll tell you!
    If you ask an ex-Mormon or anti-mormon of course you're going to get a bunch of twisted truths because they hate the church! It'd be like asking a animal rights activist how they'd like their rabbit meat? (bad analogy I know)
    I am a Mormon and I don't prefer Mitt Romney either. I don't care that he's Mormon I like to pick my president based on who would be the best for the country not what religion they are!
    Mormons are (usually) very kind and welcoming! But we all have mistakes and all have our issues we have to fight against. It's like I heard once "the church is true.. Just not always the people in it" we're still human!

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    • Singingcutie4

      I agree! I know a few people in my ward that don't necessarily live like they should.

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  • Gezzatron

    Me too.. Im doing bible studies with Jehovah's witnesses and have a hard time tell people about it that I'm interested.. But my parents use to do morman stuff and from my experience... I think they're Abit wired they're bible dosent have all the books and all

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